[Selling] Price calculator for eloboost webpages! 03/05/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hello,
Since many people have bought specifically my code to calculate price on an eloboost webpage, I thought ill create another thread for that :)
How it looks like:
It has instructions with it on how to change the prices etc.
Original Template thread:
Making webpages for you... 10/24/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 0 Replies Hello everyone,
My name is Jonathan and i recently have learned html and css.
My friend and i already made a website that we are still working on.
What i'm here for is that i would like to make some webpages for you in trade for some elite*gold.
I only know HTML and CSS and a liiiittle bit of javascript so i can't make any webpages with javascript or jquery.
Contact me if you want to see what i can and maybe we can make some deals.
I will post some of my designs later so you can see...