I've been trying out the server for the past couple of days, I can easily give this a 10/10 without hesitation.
What made this server stand out for me was:
1. I didn't notice a single bug while online
2. My ping was always below 70, considering I'm from Canada - the ping was really nice.
3. You didn't need good gear to participate in most events. Speaking of events, I loved the soccer event (you get to jump around as a soccer ball xD)
4. There wasn't any cheaters as far as I could tell.
5. The rates were fair. They weren't ridiculously slow - but they weren't fast to the point where everyone had full 2 sockets.
6. There were features from the upper patches that were actually properly implemented on the 5017 client.
I could ramble on, but those are the main reasons I like this server.
One thing that slightly urks me would be the oddly high vietnamese population at night. I don't mind that they're on the server with us - but they should be speaking in English while on an NA server. Even though I know some vietnamese... it still bothers me
Anyways, this server has my seal of approval xD.