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[Request]Ideas for a CO based MMORPG.

Discussion on [Request]Ideas for a CO based MMORPG. within the CO2 Private Server forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.

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[Request]Ideas for a CO based MMORPG.

This is a Private Server, but is only based on CO's client [Patch 5095].
I do not need off-topic critique.
I do not need warnings or info about legality.

If you do not have any ideas or serious comments, do not post it. Criticizing is allowed, but I prefer getting critique in a private message instead of posting it here.

So, I'm going to edit a lot of things to make it different from other Private Servers and Official CO. But I need opinions, ideas and improvement. I'm starting this source from scratch and will use a edited client, but since I'm not releasing or hosting anything (yet?), there's no problem.

Anything related to classes should be PMed, since I don't want to many comment on this yet.

Anything related to skills can be posted here using this form.

I'm not looking for other things yet, how ever if you have anything I haven't named yet, feel free to PM me, or add

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Old 10/14/2009, 18:34   #2
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i'd like to provide a hand, if of course, you're serious about this. i'd like to learn more information at that too. i'll add that msn. you should know mine.
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Old 10/14/2009, 19:20   #3
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I had the idea of creating something somewhat similar to your idea a couple years back when Eud servers were just starting...

The only main problem I see with your idea is you are basically re-creating the existing classes with different names.

Would be GREAT if you actually re-balanced and actually changed them but if you don't it's kinda pointless imo. If all you are doing is changing their names and appearance a little bit there isn't too much reason to do it.

When I was thinking of something like this I figured "why not blend the good parts of tq games together into one".

Tq games are all so similar that much of the animations and graphics are interchangable (there are already eud servers with some co models and I remember seeing ppl importing monster mesh/textures between the games)

Why not create unique classes and then combine graphics, animations, skills and monsters from different tq games and THEN modify them to give yourself more versatility and creative gameplay?

Personally a unique version of CO could hold some serious weight in the world of generic lotf script kiddie servers running right now. Hell even if the server sucked, originality definitely draws alot of attention. I KNOW my server sucked, it was simply a way for me to learn some basic scripting and programing knowledge before I started university but simply because I added some unique features and experimented with changing stuff it gained some serious following (ooh wait... that was just cause of all the retards who want ninja lol)

Originality is great... but originality without basis becomes stagnant rather fast.

just some constructive advice, take it as you wish.
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Old 10/14/2009, 20:51   #4
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@Pro, that was some good advice. But I think the Classes in CO are okay, all I need to do is balance their strength, make some new skill ideas, and make small changes to the existing classes. For example, I might add the ability for Nameless to throw something, or add something with ranged. And I think you miss-understood me, it was just the description of the classes, how strong they actually are will be re-balanced, same for Skills, XP Skills, Amount of HP and MP. Archers for example will be stronger, however I'll add some skill to stop a archer from flying, or to hit them when their flying, or maybe not even add flying.

Thanks for your comment.
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Old 10/14/2009, 21:27   #5
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Good idea but why are you basing it off like.. xp,stamina, mana...why not skill level..or amount of something...your basically as others are saying changing names..
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Old 10/14/2009, 21:46   #6
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@Empty, Stamina and Mana are not only used by Conquer, same for the classes, their often something like this, are they also changing names of Conquer Online? I don't think so. And that Flying thing was just 1 small example, from the top of my head.

Of course it will have some elements Conquer Uses, mainly because I suck at editing images and graphics, but I'll do as much as I can, and more and more changes will come.
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Old 10/14/2009, 22:38   #7
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honestly, i think it would be absolutely 1337PROlegitsick if you somewhat... merged Co & WoW. using co graphics of course, modified alot. just as wow has such things as engineering and mining and stuff like that. make people more unique. have like Trojan-Blacksmith which means he has the ability to make his own armors. or Archer-Miner which means he can mine. that would customize your server unbelievably. although it would take unreal amounts of work, it would be top of the top. in order to get a unbelievable server, look from outside the box. make new maps, new mobs, new effects, new weapons, more versatality. (or however you spell it). within a character, redesign the character creation screen and include a new class or two. diversity within the game would provide a better gameplay, more unique character, better game. think about it.
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Old 10/14/2009, 23:00   #8
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and im willing to help ppl with that ^^
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Old 10/15/2009, 02:26   #9
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i mean yeah, if we got a team going for this, raiden would have to be included since he's pretty legit at graphic edit/design, but it would be pretty cool. i mean, what a unique server that would be. client modification would be extremely heavy, seeing you would need certain profession to do certain things. but bas, see if you can get a group together on msn, let's further discuss this.
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Old 10/15/2009, 02:30   #10
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Originally Posted by Smythe94 View Post

This is a Private Server, but is only based on CO's client [Patch 5095].
I do not need off-topic critique.
I do not need warnings or info about legality.

If you do not have any ideas or serious comments, do not post it. Criticizing is allowed, but I prefer getting critique in a private message instead of posting it here.

So, I'm going to edit a lot of things to make it different from other Private Servers and Official CO. But I need opinions, ideas and improvement. I'm starting this source from scratch and will use a edited client, but since I'm not releasing or hosting anything (yet?), there's no problem.

Anything related to classes should be PMed, since I don't want to many comment on this yet.

Anything related to skills can be posted here using this form.

I'm not looking for other things yet, how ever if you have anything I haven't named yet, feel free to PM me, or add

If you edit their client tottally and all TQ reletated things, it wont be a private sercer
monsersandme did that XD
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Old 10/15/2009, 03:11   #11
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Originally Posted by Prot0type View Post
honestly, i think it would be absolutely 1337PROlegitsick if you somewhat... merged Co & WoW. using co graphics of course, modified alot. just as wow has such things as engineering and mining and stuff like that. make people more unique. have like Trojan-Blacksmith which means he has the ability to make his own armors. or Archer-Miner which means he can mine. that would customize your server unbelievably. although it would take unreal amounts of work, it would be top of the top. in order to get a unbelievable server, look from outside the box. make new maps, new mobs, new effects, new weapons, more versatality. (or however you spell it). within a character, redesign the character creation screen and include a new class or two. diversity within the game would provide a better gameplay, more unique character, better game. think about it.

Qonquer at one point was going to be adding crafting classes lol.

It wouldn't be difficult to add at all if you really think about it... (ok... so it would require alot of new custom items and some work but the code itself could be done fairly simply) depending on how you wanted it to function.

Simply use random chance combined with rare drops, mining, quests etc to get ingredients and then an npc to craft (because making a full UI for it requires heavy client modding and packet work)

As far as I know maps are not able to be created by players, there was some research into how to do it but I don't remember ever hearing of a fully user created map working on a co private server (I could be wrong, I'm definitely not an expert rofl) but as for monster, effect, spell and other client edits those are simple enough to do and I KNOW people have created their own skills and stuff.

You could go way over the top with editing a private server and make it really good... But one of the main challenges will be

First, the amount of work: To create something worth actually playing for people, you will need to get a TON done (do not create part of the system then go "xxxx server now open! Now with blablabla new feature", it will not work well) If you get a small testing base of fairly professional coders and modders you can get alot of this done without even having the server public at ALL. You can get far along in how you want the server to eventually be and THEN open it for some testing and public scrutiny. If everything is broken and not really functional you will spend the bulk of your time explaining things to noobs and not fixing the server. That happened with mine when I was letting people online for testing. Within a few days I had to have 2-3 of my gm's on virtually 24/7 to help new players understand what the fuck was going on. There were ALWAYS new problems coming up as I fixed/replaced/changed old things and because of that the noobs constantly had to be re-informed. Soon enough the bulk of your time goes into that instead of making the actual server.

Second, KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING WITH THE PROJECT. Things will go sooo much quicker if you know what your goal for the server is. KNOW how you want things to end up. If not things will take 10 times as long and anyone you work with or any testers will get burned out and frustrated rather quickly.

Third, If you work with a group, make sure YOU know how to do these things. Don't expect to be able to go "Hey, I wanna make a server and this is how it will work... now you guys code it k? cause I don't know what I'm doing". Mess around with code if you don't know it (I don't know you so I can't judge your level by any means) If you can't do something yourself you shouldn't expect others to do it for you (They will from time to time and that's great but don't simply expect it!) Learn to do things yourself, it will save alot of time and grief not only for yourself but everyone else around.


For christ sake don't use some pre-edited lotf source and then wonder why its falling apart when you add a few things to it. Personally I'm a huge fan of coemu but that's just me (By far the most stable, least temperamental source in distribution as far as I know) If you are not building a completely custom source for this project I'd really strongly suggest CoEmu, if you decide in the project you don't want certain features enabled (such as potency or tallis) simply code them out. It's alot simpler in most cases to disable things then it is to code them into a source that was never meant to work properly with the new features especially if you aren't very good at adding the features, copy/paste is BAD in the long (and short) run.

Ok so maybe I ranted a bit too long there but I think it's all fairly good advice. If there is any other ideas or constructive criticism I can offer, lemme know. I love these sorts of projects... With my schedule and lack of extensive programing knowledge though I think I won't be starting up my old server any time soon though so this gives me a nice outlet lol.
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Old 10/15/2009, 03:14   #12
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Originally Posted by grillmad View Post
If you edit their client tottally and all TQ reletated things, it wont be a private sercer
monsersandme did that XD
Monster & Me is owned by TQ is also their first game in the English market (then came Conquer & so on).
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Old 10/15/2009, 03:16   #13
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Good luck and great ideas.
So what will your source be based on?
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Old 10/15/2009, 03:20   #14
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*crosses fingers for a coemu or fully custom source*

Ooh and if you want actual ideas I remember I wrote up a shitload of quest ideas before...

Another piece of ranty advice, if you are going to modify ingame graphics, USE GOOD MODS.

Holy fuckballs guys.. I've seen so many DISGUSTING mods out there that it makes me want to pour bleach in my eyes to erase the image of them from my brain...

If you are going to create a PROFESSIONAL server, then make it LOOK professional. Don't do things half assed or all you will end up with is a bunch of brs and eggys going "OMIGAD WER I NINJA?!"

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Old 10/15/2009, 03:58   #15
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Originally Posted by LetterX View Post
Monster & Me is owned by TQ is also their first game in the English market (then came Conquer & so on).
haha doesn't seem like the site knows that

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