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Replace the sound when equip or gem drop ^^

Discussion on Replace the sound when equip or gem drop ^^ within the CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.

Old   #1
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OKAY people. Hehe. My second contribution to the forum.

Ah well, this file is the replacement for gem drop and equipt drop. The equipt drop is optional. If you dont wanna replace the equipt drop, then don't cux it might get troublesome if your hunting at apes or hawking. For me, I macro plvl at az, so i think its a must for me. Hehe^^

People from and here is what you all want ^^

The steps are:
1. ALERT you have to close all your clients in order to do this. So for me, i prefer to do it tml, when theres server maintenace ^^
2. Download the file and unzip
3. You will see two folders, open up one of them ( I would recommend Met sound replacement, unless you really wanna get high when a gem drops ^^)
4. If you dont want to replace the sound of equip drop, then copy only the gemDrop.wav. If you want to, copy ALL
5. The copy location is your conquer folder\sounds.
6. When you copy my files to the location, there will be a popup asking you whether to replace or not, click Yes
7. And tada~ the next time you open up conquer and a gem drops, its will be a different voice.

***Its OPTIONAL to read the paragraph below***
{Hmm you must be wondering why there are two files inside the zip, umm, actually, one of them is actually my voice as stated on the folder( YES the actual creator's VOICE! WOOT) . Actually i tried to make my voice sound like a baby, or rather a duck by increasing the speed of the wav. Unfortunately, Window's recorder cant open my recorded wavs which i am too lazy to find out why. I spent some time searching for another program that allows me to increase the speed and I actually found one! But it doesnt allow me to save the file back into wav format -.-" my file has to be saved into the programs format. Well, i tried to search for other progs, but didnt find any. Hmm, if i were you i would download yaoball's voice and replace em. hehehehe. its S*xy! ^^ }

Well, this is all. It was quite simple( although it did took me somewhile to find a software to increase my speed), So i dont expect any karmas^^ happy xmas everyone!

EDITED, sorry there has been some mistakes in the last folder. The spellings did not match those in your conquer folder exactly. Here is the corrrect one.

Hmm any comments? ^^
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Old 01/02/2007, 11:03   #2
Ian*'s Avatar
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Well, I guess i'm going to be the only one that replys for a while, gewd idea, the gem sound when it drops is umm dull. Any way i can add my own sounds? Like if i wanted to add a specific scream from a song on a gem i like ^^

If you can tell me how to do that then +k

[img]text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text=Maybe find me a wav. file of the song Masterpiece by Bayside too ^^' border='0' alt='Maybe find me a wav. file of the song Masterpiece by Bayside too ^^' />

Edit: I've used epvp alot in the past, and had some posts but I got a new comp and forgot my acct >.< So next post and you can get some Karma. lol
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Old 01/02/2007, 16:13   #3
elite*gold: 0
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its a great idea but can we put our own voices on or say like a super dragon gem droped i could use my voice and say 'super dragon gem' is that possible?
prioff is offline  
Old 01/03/2007, 12:56   #4
elite*gold: 0
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ok i tested this over and over and i found something to be true. the gemDrop.wav isnt the file that is played when a monster drops a gem, but when you yourself drops a gem. the file that is played when a monster drops a gem is DropItem.wav. so insted of replacing gemDrop.wav with the met sound, repace it with DropItem.wav. also this sound will play for scrolls that r on the ground, such as tc scrolls. thats the only 1 iv heard sofar tho. but yes, DropItem.wav is the 1 u want to change to hear gems droped by monsters
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Old 01/18/2024, 12:00   #5
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any update on this topic, where drop item sound is declared ?
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Old 01/22/2024, 21:52   #6

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Originally Posted by elementari View Post
any update on this topic, where drop item sound is declared ?
It is hard-coded in CO. You'd need to patch the assembly around where CMsgMapItem is processed.
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