Selling cheap CR account with 5000+ trophies, all cards and 410 gems.
Discussion on Selling cheap CR account with 5000+ trophies, all cards and 410 gems. within the Clash Royale Trading forum part of the Mobile Games Trading category.
Clash Royale Account LVL 12 ALL CARDS 4.300 Trophies 2.800 Clan Trophies 09/13/2018 - Clash Royale Trading - 0 Replies Accept Payment are Paypal,Steamcard,PSC but best and safest are PayPal i think. (Price:50€)
(PS:Sorry for Bad english i come from Germany)
(You can Contact me via WhatsApp :+49 015751055013 for pics From ACC and questions or pm me where you want to write )
(Wen eBay not delete my Offer then can you See my Account here Verkauf ich gerade bei #eBayKleinanzeigen.*Wie findest du das?
[Selling] Level 10 almost 11 | All the cards in the game | 8500 gems | 3400 trophies 07/04/2017 - Clash Royale Trading - 2 Replies Like said in the title, it's a pretty OP account!
I'm going to be selling this to the highest offer, not looking for any prices under $75. No lowballers!
-Level 10 - almost 11, only needs 4k more EXP which can easily be achieved by upgrading the cards ( you just need a bit of gold )!
-All cards unlocked - only legendaries that are level 1 are bandit, princess, miner, and lava hound.
lvl 10 All Legendary Cards 4k trophies +250 gems! 03/09/2017 - Clash Royale Trading - 0 Replies I sell account Clash Royale with all the Cards (ELECTRO WIZARD, GRAVEYARD & LAVA HOUND lvl 2) with 30k coins and +250 gems. PRICE : 50 via paypal