Originally Posted by oxnezumi
hi I was permanently banned I have some questions I use the same number on the other steam account, I have to change it or I can keep the same number?
And after permanent ban I need to use revo or reset window?
Go to sickk services or Olympus solutions. They both have discords. They’ll get you HWID unbanned. It’s more than just a fresh install of windows. But a fresh windows key comes with their service. I think it’s 50-60$. That’s for them to take over your pc and manually do everything for you. I think it’s half the price if they send you the software to do it yourself and a pdf with instructions. I had it done by them once before and now I make sure to use a spoofer.
Make sure to use a spoofer next time tho. If you want a good chair that comes with a spoofer I can point you in the right direction. I been using them for months and from what I been told they havnt been detected since they launched back in wz2. It’s only 30$ per month for the chair and spoofer combo.