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Po has been detected, any other providers to use in the mean time?
Discussion on Po has been detected, any other providers to use in the mean time? within the Call of Duty forum part of the Popular Games category.
10/24/2023, 16:38
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Originally Posted by Angrymerchant
Go with ACD. They have never been detected in MW2
Yes they have, GoldenGun rebrand/resell trash cheat, stay away.
10/24/2023, 16:42
elite*gold: 55968
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Originally Posted by Celusios
He had no idea PO was detected. How is nobody seeing this? It's the most obvious thing. He's in ego save mode. I don't know this guy, but his entire image and post history for that matter is about "security" or PO being a "secure" product. No cheat is ever undetectable, but he sure pushed PO as being as close to that without saying it and people ate that shit up.
Yes, the multi billion dollar companies anticheat team who just detected his cheat had zero idea of the detection. They had no idea he was onto them -- despite the spam of PO detections by everyone and his public acknowledgement of "trust in me, its just like beta from last year". Yup, I'm sure they were just baited and completely off-guard by this, you really tricked them man.
If that wasn't enough, I'm sure he opened lifetime MW3 subscriptions (but no option at a 30 day for business as normal -- because we're tricking Ricochet right?) just to ruin his POS system from chargebacks and have to immediately refund people from other payment methods. Yup, that makes sense.
It's all about protecting muh OGs. They're all that matter. Yes -- including the ones who stopped playing MW2 and came back to MW3 looking to continue using your products. Yes I'm sure you prioritized a group that were already banned (and a large portion that would be done with PO once banned) over new business.
Bans are inevitable, I don't fault him for getting detected but it's clear as day what he's doing here. PO's sold as a secure product, thats what it made its name on. It looks much better for his ego and product to say "yeah I knew of the ban, but I baited Ricochet! Sorry guys, but I gotta look out for my people and so that they can play at launch" than "I got detected, not sure how or what was the detection at this time" like every other provider as it would invalidate his whole Mobius v2 security claims.
My bad to rant, just some bogus shit that I feel sorry for anyone who got caught up in. No I was not banned, I hadn't played COD since being hooked on WoW again. Fortunate for me lol.
Nice theory but one problem: it was publicly disproven. I closed injections on October 12 when I saw the ban reports & started testing but the bans completely stopped so I couldn't get any test results. Ricochet clearly saw that I paused injections & stopped sending bans on the MW3 beta. You see, they just wanted me off the beta. Them sending bans (that were already coming) or me turning off injections both accomplished their goal. So, ~10 hours later I turned injections back on, the bans started again, and I got my test results. I also find it interesting how you don't think an anti-cheat team that is actively banning a provider they've detected during a beta isn't watching my announcement channel just because they work for a big company? It's called doing their job
EDIT: PO is back online with improved security & performance! Details: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/ca...l#post39773316
10/24/2023, 22:01
elite*gold: 648
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It amazes me this thread continues on and on and on and on. PO has already eluded to the fact, over a few years now, that detections are inevitable. They've established themselves as one of the most secure providers and this all goes back to the same concept: if you aren't willing to lose your account, don't effing cheat. Regardless of who handled what situation how they did, there are so many factors that happen behind the scenes that clearly won't be pasted on a public forum. Respect them for making an excellent product and how long you've cheated confidently and quietly without punishment.
PO will either respond appropriately and re-establish their trust over time or they'll have issues. If i'm a betting individual, I'm guessing they'll be just fine and everyone here who is butthurt will move past this onto the next hot topic within due time.
10/24/2023, 23:56
elite*gold: 0
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People cheat online, get banned and then cry like children as if PO claimed their cheats would never ever be detected.
You cheat, you run the risk of being banned eventually, no cheat will remain undetected forever no matter how safe the provider. Take responsibility for your own actions as cheaters instead of taking out all the blame on the provider.
10/25/2023, 06:56
elite*gold: 0
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This one and all the other po threads are wild. I promise none of this is THAT deep. Ppl are losing their ****. Deteks happen, it's part of the game we play by cheating. The regain isn't that bad. You know, since we're cheating.
Besides parts of their community slowly going to ****, PO will be fine. As far as their product and their staff/team, I have total confidence in them. I actually appreciate all the communication they've been giving, given their situation. PO will be back on top, im not worried.
10/25/2023, 09:00
elite*gold: 14
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Originally Posted by dcypl_shock
Hey guys I just lost my account to PO what other providers should I use now that it got detected (Zebleer posted in the telegram it's official)
Just because PO had a detection it doesn't mean they should be avoided now. Zebleer knows what he is doing and probably one of the best in the scene. However, if you are looking for a new brand, then you might wanna give a chance( ). UD since 2020 with a lot smaller community
10/26/2023, 04:35
elite*gold: 0
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PO is now **BACK UP AND RUNNING** . I'm excited to try out the new & improved cheat. PO will be back on top in no time!
10/26/2023, 04:48
elite*gold: 182
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I'm also looking for a new supplier if they want a reseller
10/30/2023, 13:31
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by dcypl_shock
Hey guys I just lost my account to PO what other providers should I use now that it got detected (Zebleer posted in the telegram it's official)
i’d say AA or IW if PO does see another DT later along the line, but i’ve lost an account due to IW and never really used AA. but, i’ve heard it's good.
11/06/2023, 20:14
Non ducor, duco.
elite*gold: 1
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Since @ fixed the detection im gonna close here
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