Originally Posted by Gotopiz
I have used both extensively and each have pros and cons.
If you want a noob friendly chair that just works out the box, get IW.
If you don’t mind putting in a little work on some config files and value having a built in spoofer as a feature, then AA is your guy.
Since I am HWID flagged, I use AA as it includes a spoofer and is cheaper than buying IW and a spoofer separately. AA also has a no recoil feature that is undetected and that I really enjoy. If it weren’t for those circumstances, I would probably switch back to IW as I do miss having a skeleton ESP and enjoyed how noob friendly their GUI was.
Yeah IW is overall just better imo. AA has this nice price tho for incl spoofer.
And i absolutely hate that they dont have skeletons, only this feature makes it a no go for me. Ofc for others it may not matter. Many People like Box only.