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Need some guidance ASAP

Discussion on Need some guidance ASAP within the Call of Duty forum part of the Popular Games category.

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elite*gold: 0
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Need some guidance ASAP

Hello guys

I have a brand new rig with ddr5 and never used any cheat on it…now I want to use cheats (tired being fu…k through walls) and I want to keep this expensive pc protected (and my account as well I play very legit and smart) what you recommend me to do in relation to that? Using cleaner/spoofer? What kinda cheat bypass ricochet and how to do it properly

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Old 12/29/2021, 21:39   #2
elite*gold: 0
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If you wanna keep your PC clean, use a spoofer to cheat because bans/detections happen with cheats (and spoofers too ofc), but with a spoofer, your real HWID is protected.

Alternatively, if you wanna protect your account to the maximum extend and play legit, use a secure cheat to play, and don't rage. I recommend PO, but there are plenty of good security-focused providers like Elusion, Aimex, and Mobius.
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