Originally Posted by christiansimba
new update already release 
Hi Sir.
Yeah, it was a good update.
I tested it since the release of the update, its a little more useful now. I tested it like 2-3 times before the update and i stopped due to the Aim Locking through walls.
Now after this update i have tested and it is now more usable, it get better.
The issue that it has, is that any configuration on the
Recoil Control (That is nothing about recoil control, its Aimbot Position) is not working properly, because when you shoot, after 2-3 shoots, the Aimbot starte to go above the head
Missing All Shoots or Almost All.
The Single Shoot work great, its useful, the issue is when you use the Automatic Shooting.
Its getting better with every update and with the amount of customers reporting the issues it will be even better, if the coder want to make it better.
As i said, its a good update, it make Aimbot more useful, but looking forward for the next one.