MW3 ChromatiX 2.1 [Texture Hack + Auto Installer]
Platform: Computer
Game Version: ALL - NOT PATCHABLE unless game is "core changed"
VAC STATUS: NOT bannable
The Valve Anti-Cheat system is enabled for servers displaying the Secured shield logo. Using custom skins, sounds or maps and playing multi-player mods which do not modify core .EXE and .DLL files will not result in a VAC ban (no matter what the SIZE OF THE IWI FILES ARE as long as game accepts them as valid)
MW3 ChromatiX is multi-functional Infinity Ward Image installer featuring over 18,000 modified texture files AKA "texture hack" which makes it one of the most extensive texture hacks released to date. Texture hack will improve visibility by removing color of 2D objects making them invisible (foliage for e.g.) it also reduces your reaction time due to colored models.
- Colored players (choose between the colors: Blue, Cyan, Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow and Red)
- Colored Snipers (chose between the colors: Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Colored explosives/sentry gun (choose between the colors: Green, Purple and Yellow)
- Reduced/removed foliage ( This feature removes the bushes, high grass, leafs and other stuff
- No HudBlood (removes the blood splatters when being shot at, it also removes some other visual clutter)
- Backup/Restore (Backup and restore your IWD archives easily and safely removing the risk of "Image corrupt" and "Files different from server" errors)
- Importer (import iwi files with ease, importer will auto-sort and import images in appropriate IWD archives.)
- Colored Weapons (user can chose between 7 different colors: Red, Blue, Cyan, Flashy Green, Purple, Pink and Yellow)
- Transparent Riot (makes riot glass fully transparent for better visibility)
- Clear Scopes (makes normal scope overlay wider and more precise and thermal scope fullscreen, clear and precise)
- Golden Desert Eagle (
- Gold Camo Replacement (replaces gold camo with beautifull shades of Emerald, Ice, Violet or Chrome glossy colors...
- Mono Chromatic Ambient (option to chose from 2 different textures (black/grey)which will be applied on almost every game object apart from player models, explosives and weapons. Mono chromatic ambient will improve visibility and reduce reaction time. Furthermore, it will improve work of color aimbot. (If you use one))
- MonoSurface
NET Framework 2.0
Virustotal link:
the .rar file youll find again below
It would help me, if ill get a thanks but its not necessary
Plattform: Pc
Version des Spiels: Alle - Unpatchbar bis das Spiel grundlegend gepatched wird.
VAC Status: NICHT bannbar
Das Vac Anti - Cheat System ist nur auf den Servern aktiv, die das Sicherheitsschild in der Server Liste stehen haben. Das benutzen von "custom skins" oder Mods, die den Kern das Spiels nicht verändern, wie z.B .dll oder .exe Dateien, enden NICHT mit einem Vac Bann.
Mw3 ChromatiX ist ein multifunktioneller Infinity Ward Image installierer mit über 18.000 modifizierten Texturen Dateien. Texture Hacks ersetzen die "eigentliche" Farbe einiger Objekte im Spiel duch auffällige Farben. Dadurch gewinnt man an Reaktionszeit.
- Farbige Spieler
- Farbige Scharfschützen
- Farbige Geschütze/Claymores
- Reduzierte Büsche,Grass etc.
- Kein Blut am Bildschirm
- Auto BackUp
- Auto Importierer
- Farbige Waffen
- Klare Sicht beim Zielen
- Goldenes Tarnmuster wird ersetzt
Virustotal Link:
[SIZE="4"]Die .rar Datei findet ihr im Anhang.[/SIZE
Über ein Thanks freu mich immerwieder, ist aber nicht nötig wenn euch der Hack nicht gefällt
Gameplay Video: