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Cabal ONE - Medium Rate Server

Discussion on Cabal ONE - Medium Rate Server within the Cabal Private Server forum part of the Cabal Online category.

Old 10/20/2020, 21:03   #16
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Halloween Event and Patch with several changes at 24.11.2020.

Visit Patchnotes at :
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Old 10/29/2020, 17:35   #17
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Halloween Event is online. Come and join us
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Old 10/29/2020, 21:22   #18
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start download
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Old 11/29/2020, 01:53   #19
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Enjoying new tg map with good amount of players on tg
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Old 12/01/2020, 22:43   #20
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Old 01/11/2021, 16:39   #21
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New Trailer for the upcoming new Update :
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Old 01/27/2021, 04:01   #22
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sadly TG is pretty dead there now (max 10vs10)
played for months there and geared up and people didn't stop to cry about that i'm hacker. just because they got killed on TG.
so if you are good TG player i don't recommend this server cuz people won't stop crying about you, lol.

next thing is that admin repeatedly doesn't hold his words.
he's saying he don't care about pm 'insults', because that's none of his business and then perma ban me for insulting in pm, makes alot of sense huh?

so if you played and thought the staff team there is cancer, you will totally love staff team when you meet staff team (especially admin Death and this crying baby GM K5090)

Ban perma for PM'ing some1 when he said several times in pm it's not his business, how hilarious please is this?

community there too full of crying babys as said above, lacks also of endgame content, you are fast done and pretty bored then - that's why also the server population highly droped.

Sadly there's not really any server out there which is worth to play, but i'm pretty sure there are atleast better one's than this.

Next patch they bringing up (trailer above) also contains only dungeons which other servers have already for long time, so nothing special too.
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Old 01/27/2021, 06:38   #23
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Old 01/27/2021, 19:25   #24
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Just to classfiy this for any further Players.

The following player got banned because of progressive and ongoing Insults and miss behaviour against Staff Team and whole Community.

After a warning and a 3 day ban given before , sadly this behaviour didnt stopped. After over 30 Reports and several more reports in support tickets.

Therefor we had no choice then to ban the following person.

We are not the first Server who banned this Player and we will sadly not be the last i am sure about that.

Our Trailer shows only some Features for the new Update. Its pretty funny that someone who not even played new content is already saying its nothing "special".

We are offering unique and own Game Features for over 1 Year now.

Also saying that there is no content and its boring for someone who is investing a lot of money in the game is not fair to any other players.

The Content has to be achiveable even for non donator Player category.

Still we wish the best and hopefully you will find ur perfect Server to play on.

Best Regards

Cabal ONE Staff

Originally Posted by Marco1555 View Post
sadly TG is pretty dead there now (max 10vs10)
played for months there and geared up and people didn't stop to cry about that i'm hacker. just because they got killed on TG.
so if you are good TG player i don't recommend this server cuz people won't stop crying about you, lol.

next thing is that admin repeatedly doesn't hold his words.
he's saying he don't care about pm 'insults', because that's none of his business and then perma ban me for insulting in pm, makes alot of sense huh?

so if you played and thought the staff team there is cancer, you will totally love staff team when you meet staff team (especially admin Death and this crying baby GM K5090)

Ban perma for PM'ing some1 when he said several times in pm it's not his business, how hilarious please is this?

community there too full of crying babys as said above, lacks also of endgame content, you are fast done and pretty bored then - that's why also the server population highly droped.

Sadly there's not really any server out there which is worth to play, but i'm pretty sure there are atleast better one's than this.

Next patch they bringing up (trailer above) also contains only dungeons which other servers have already for long time, so nothing special too.
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Old 01/27/2021, 20:39   #25
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If 500€ is ,alof of money‘ for u, then gz.

Then sir deathwatch just explain to your further players why you say several times ,pm is non of your business, you can do whatever you want via pm‘. But then ban for pm
Then write such a bullshit on discord ,i can change rules anytime‘.
Yea, change rule and warn me for pm insult would‘ve been the way and not perm ban for this.
Even tho it‘s for real non of your business any kind of pm‘s on discord. But it‘s your server, do whatever you want like always, even your gm‘s saying you are a stubborn (ofc i have proofs of this again).

This ban is just pathetic and only ur community who got rekt on tg appreciate it, others laugh about it.

Also don‘t come at me now with any **** that i‘m only talking bullshit about ur server now bcs i got banned, since i regreted to even start ur server since weeks ago. Cuz with you and your staff team, that‘s pointless to play here.
Even if you would unban me, the only thing i would do is gift all my items to my friends and quit. The only thing i‘m missing on this server is making caps ragequit on tg, nothing more - this ban just opened my eyes, thx for it.
Yea, try to hype people for the patch which includes only things other servers have already. (People will see when patch notes up).

Sadly i don‘t have enough proofs that your beloved GM K5090 is selling items/blackmarketing or i could share them here too.
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Old 01/27/2021, 20:48   #26
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I wanna see that too

Anyway, you should consider that maybe your attitude is the issue not the players or staff wherever you play. Players were done with your toxicity (same as on every server where you were playing), it wasn't about your 'skills' or whatever you call.

Also being racist and insulting players by their looking in a game shows that you should really grow up and change the way you are thinking about the world. Maybe it will help you in your future in or outside of games. Seeking attention can cause real mental issues.

Take care and have fun!
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Old 01/27/2021, 20:55   #27
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Sure, that‘s why the accuses about ,hp and dmg hack‘ didn‘t stop. atleast staff team wasn‘t so stupid like your players and you knew i was clean.

I never said i‘m innocent and did nothing wrong, the funny party is just the ADMIN of this SERVER says ,in pm u can do whatever u want‘ and then perma ban‘s for pm.

It‘s like you drive with ur car 50 in a 50-zone and still get a ticket from cops. Why? Cuz the cop was dumb.

I didn‘t talk anything more in discord as you must have noticed, you said in pm don‘t care so you should‘ve keep your word too as i kept my word - i went full silent mode on discord and didn‘t insult any1 there. Still u ban for pm which u said you don‘t care about.

Just tell me what kind of sense this is?

Ah wait i forgot 1 thing, most of the crying babys were in the GM/GA guild, that‘s ofc a real reason for u to protect ur babys
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Old 01/27/2021, 21:00   #28
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As i said already. Your attidude here only shows your bad behaviour which got reported so many times.

It only shows me that banning you was the right decision.

We got a running Server before you joined it and it will be running after u left and thats a fact.

I never insulted anyone so i am clearly not the issue

Anyway this was the last message about this topic. You can enrage on the next server .

Originally Posted by Marco1555 View Post
If 500€ is ,alof of money‘ for u, then gz.

Then sir deathwatch just explain to your further players why you say several times ,pm is non of your business, you can do whatever you want via pm‘. But then ban for pm
Then write such a bullshit on discord ,i can change rules anytime‘.
Yea, change rule and warn me for pm insult would‘ve been the way and not perm ban for this.
Even tho it‘s for real non of your business any kind of pm‘s on discord. But it‘s your server, do whatever you want like always, even your gm‘s saying you are a stubborn (ofc i have proofs of this again).

This ban is just pathetic and only ur community who got rekt on tg appreciate it, others laugh about it.

Also don‘t come at me now with any shit that i‘m only talking bullshit about ur server now bcs i got banned, since i regreted to even start ur server since weeks ago. Cuz with you and your staff team, that‘s pointless to play here.
Even if you would unban me, the only thing i would do is gift all my items to my friends and quit. The only thing i‘m missing on this server is making caps ragequit on tg, nothing more - this ban just opened my eyes, thx for it.
Yea, try to hype people for the patch which includes only things other servers have already. (People will see when patch notes up).

Sadly i don‘t have enough proofs that your beloved GM K5090 is selling items/blackmarketing or i could share them here too.
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Old 01/27/2021, 21:03   #29
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Sure your server will run without me, but highly droped on population already. If you don‘t bring some good content it won‘t last that much longer with ur maximum of 10vs10 tg‘s.

Also nice explanation again u got there for banning actually for something you said you don‘t care about. (U just ignore it like always when u dont know answer)

It was the right decision banning me, thanks *** i don‘t need to deal with such people anymore.

Good luck and good bye
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Old 01/27/2021, 21:51   #30
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so some1 finally spoke about corrupted gm's from Cabal One and how they abuse the power by selling items and give the ga's roles to their own guildmates seems like 2021 is a good year epeyes:
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