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Cabal CodeZero - Play to Earn $

Discussion on Cabal CodeZero - Play to Earn $ within the Cabal Private Server forum part of the Cabal Online category.

Old 05/30/2018, 12:33   #76
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Such systen to sell items/acc works everywhere, but thx for replies
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Old 06/06/2018, 01:19   #77
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Join Us , 250+ online player every day .. real ingame footage
--> <--

Update :

Shop Items:

Essence Core (HP/MP)
Essence Core (SSA)
Essence Core (MSA)
Essence Core (MCR)
Essence Core (CDI/CRI)
Pet Untrain Kit - Option
[Costume] Imperial Dress (PERMA)
[Costume] Wing - Gold Type C (PERMA)
Pet - Yasuo (PERMA)

Item Prices :
Essence Core (HP/MP)

Fragment of Essence Core (HP/MP) - 800 pcs
Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 60 pcs

Essence Core (SSA)

Fragment of Essence Core (SSA) - 800 pcs
Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 60 pcs

Fragment of Essence Core (MSA)

Fragment of Essence Core (MSA) - 800 pcs
Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 60 pcs

Fragment of Essence Core (MCR)

Fragment of Essence Core (MCR) - 800 pcs
Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 60 pcs

Fragment of Essence Core (CDI/CRI)

Fragment of Essence Core (CDI/CRI) - 800 pcs
Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 60 pcs

Pet Untrain Kit - Option

Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 55 pcs

[Costume] Imperial Dress (PERMA)

Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 300 pcs

[Costume] Wing - Gold Type C (PERMA)

Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 300 pcs

Pet - Yasuo (PERMA)

Mission War Token (Lv.140~220) - 300 pcs

Fragment of Essence Core (HP/MP)
* Quantity : 5 Min - 15 max
Fragment of Essence Core (SSA)
* Quantity : 5 Min - 15 max
Fragment of Essence Core (MSA)
* Quantity : 5 Min - 15 max
Fragment of Essence Core (MCR)
* Quantity : 5 Min - 15 max
Fragment of Essence Core (CDI/CRI)
* Quantity : 5 Min - 15 max
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Old 06/08/2018, 23:54   #78
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i get why quuune is selling his gl gl is builted diferent no heal in bms no 10 crit dmg buff(fg stealed that buff XD) and normal atack base i think...
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Old 06/09/2018, 22:57   #79
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No, im just bored of it
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Old 06/12/2018, 15:57   #80
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Update : New ****** Ice Map
--> <--


Update Information:
You can now gain Special Inventory Token (Sealed) from Voting and Daily Rewards!

Reward Details:
Vote: x4 Special Inventory Token (Sealed) for each link (Total of 8 Tokens).
Daily Goal: x20 Special Inventory Token (Sealed) for Dungeon Daily Goal and Mission War Daily Goal (Total of 40 Tokens).
Completed Goals: x100 Special Inventory Token (Sealed).

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Old 06/24/2018, 04:52   #81
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Greetings CODEZERO Players

As you can see Cabal's Guild System is not that useful right now, so we decided to make a new Guild System here in CODEZERO to make Guilds exciting and a must for every player to join.

Okay let's start!

Go to and login, then find the GUILD SYSTEM menu and click it.
Click GUILD SYSTEM then your in-game name.

You will see some of your guild information.

Under GUILD INFORMATION you will find these details:

GUILD WAR GP - Your guild can earn GUILD WAR POINTS by joining Mission War. That means the more guild members joining the war the more guild points you can earn.
- Every Mission War guild members can earn 150 GP.

GUILD DUNGEON GP - Your guild can earn these points by doing dungeons, so the more dungeons you run as a guild, the higher your GUILD DUNGEON GP.
- The points are based on the DP you get from dungeons.


DUNGEON GP - These are your personal points you've accumulated from running dungeons.

WAR GP - These are your personal points you've accumulated from participating in Mission Wars.

TOTAL GP CONTRIBUTION - These are the total points you've contributed to your guild.

Now what is the benefit of earning GP's?
GUILD AVAILABLE GP - Your guild can use these points to unlock items from GUILD SHOP.
PERSONAL AVAILABLE GP - You can use this to purchase ITEMS from GUILD SHOP.

Okay let's try to buy an item from guild shop.
Click the BUY GUILD SHOP ITEMS button

Then you can see this

On this page you can see the available items that your guild can buy.
From time to time, more items will be added here, and you can buy these items using your GUILD POINTS
but take note ONLY Guild Masters can buy/unlock items from this page and your GUILD LEVEL must be LEVEL 5.

Then click the PURCHASE THIS ITEM button

On this page, you will see the details of the item. After your Guild Master has successfully bought the item, it will go to GUILD PURCHASED ITEMS. You can go visit that page by going back to GUILD SYSTEM then clicking the GUILD PURCHASED ITEMS button.

On this page, you will see the cost of this item : Alz, the duration and the days before this item will be deactivated from your Guild Members shop. When this item is deactivated your guild needs to buy it from Guild Shop to activate it again.

When you click the PURCHASE THIS ITEM button you will see this

You will find the item details. PERSONAL GP CONTRIBUTION REQ - this is the Guild points Contribution Requirement (Personal) for you to be able to buy this item.

Make sure you are not in game(logged out) while purchasing the item.

Take note that you must have enough Alz and Personal Guild Contribution to buy this item.
*Alz and Guild Contribution points will be deducted after purchase.

After you successfully purchased this item, the item will be mailed to your character. Sometimes it takes time to receive the mail. Just Logout and login again to receive the mail.

Take note also that when you leave your current guild your PERSONAL GUILD POINTS will be back to 0(Zero).

Since all items bought from the Guild Shop are character-binding, we will make it possible to make these exclusive items exchanged at Yuna (GD NPC) for a tradeable version. It will require an alz fee upon this exchange. This will be added very soon to the game.

WARNING: This system has logs, so if you abuse this or you cheated we can check it and it will leads you to PERMA BAN!

Thank you for playing CABAL CODEZERO! We want to give you the best gaming experience so we are adding new and unique features for our server, and there are more to come!

Go and join a guild! and enjoy the benefit of having a guild!

Happy Gaming!
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Old 06/25/2018, 10:45   #82
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can't believe that there are 250 players online daily.
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Old 06/25/2018, 23:34   #83
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Originally Posted by Marco1555 View Post
can't believe that there are 250 players online daily.
Yeah it is insane to see a server doing this well ^^

Check out their facebook they have a ton of videos and screenshots of recent wars and events. Flag war was 30v30!

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Old 06/27/2018, 02:14   #84
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Exclamation Update :

Join Us Now Join Us Now

With this update we decided to change the set effects we currently have in CodeZero. While fun, our previous set effects left us with very little room to let players improve. We felt the stats given were too high and we decided to change it to well rounded stats. As well the previous set effects did not allow us to scale them properly with the coming addition of new armors in later updates. So we have reduced the overall effectiveness of the previous effects and decided to create new ones. These new stats give us the room to continue advancing our sets forward and as well lay a path to introducing more accessories in the near future.

HP +250
Resist Skill Amp. +3%
Critical DMG. +2%
Critical Rate +2%
All Skill Amp.+1%

HP +500
Resist Skill Amp. +5%
Critical DMG. +5%
Critical Rate +3%
All Skill Amp. +2%

HP +750
Resist Skill Amp. +8%
Critical DMG. +8%
Critical Rate +5%
All Skill Amp. +3%

HP +1000
Resist Skill Amp. +10%
Critical DMG. +10%
Critical Rate +7%
All Skill Amp. +4%

HP +1250
Resist Skill Amp. +12%
Critical DMG. +12%
Critical Rate +9%
All Skill Amp. +5%

The level for Special Inventory Token requirements will now also be increased to Level 195. This is to allow them to not be easily abused in obtaining them. Lower levels do not fear as you can still obtain tokens from voting and daily goals.

For Force Bladers we decided to move Astral Enchant to an Upgrade Skill that gives Attack. The Critical Rate and Damage from Enchant have been transferred to the original 3 blade buffs. This gives you that extra buff slot you might be looking for.
Astral Enchant will be sent to all accounts.

Additional Updates:
You can now buy PUK(Normal) from Erebus using Mission War Tokens

You can now unbind SLOT EXTENDER's from Yuna

We hope to see you out in the world and on the battlefield in CodeZero. From all of us at CodeZero, we thank you for everything and hope to continue on!
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Old 07/18/2018, 00:20   #85
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Greetings players we decided to adjust how the daily goal system works just a bit. Before the whole system would stop on a 24 Hour wait time. This wait time will now only apply to the actual claim button of the daily goal. This means that when you complete a daily goal and claim it you can then work on refilling the bar and claiming the goal after 24 Hours. We hope this change can help make these goals more accessible and feel like true daily goals.
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Old 08/02/2018, 17:41   #86
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Content Summary:
- Daily Quests
- Class Balancing: Skill tweaks
- Scrolls Exchange
- War Reward cube changes
- Reduced frags for Essence Cores

Daily Quests
We have added the new Daily Quest system. To start your daily quest journey, you must go to talk to Erebus, our TG NPC located in Desert Scream.

All Daily Quest scrolls cost 5M Alz + 2 Mission War Tokens. With each scroll,you simply need to go talk to the NPC in Bloody Ice (Henkoff/Simon/Flasha/Prewitt - based on the name of your quest scroll) and take a quest.
Each NPC has several quests, each with different tasks and rewards upon completion.
All information regarding the quest is visible in the Quest ("T" key) window. In the image below,you can see the quest is for "Lake in Dusk" dungeon. I must kill "Zigdris Faello" once to complete the quest and earn 1x Daily Quest Badge. (NEW item)

Using Daily Quest Badges, you can buy all sorts of items available at Thera, our new NPC outside of Bloody Ice town.

* If you "give up" on a quest after activation, the daily scroll will NOT be returned to your inventory. Once it's gone,it's gone.
* You cannot do the same quest more than once per day. Once you complete a quest, it will disappear from the NPC's quest list until the next day (server time).

Scroll's Exchange
If you're been unlucky with opening the more rare scrolls from the cubes, don't worry we have you covered! We've added the option of exchanging your unluckier scrolls for the better ones (CDI/CRI/MCR) at NPC Yuna in Green Despair.

Keep in mind, you must have EXACTLY 100 pieces of that scroll, in ONE stack, otherwise it will NOT work.If you have anything other than 100 pieces, the system will NOT read it correctly, and it will still appear 0/100 at Yuna, for the exchange.
This is WRONG:

This is CORRECT:

List of scrolls that you need:

Class Balancing: Skill tweaking
We have made adjustments for every class. You can check them all out below.

-Increased the cool down of "Dread": 0.9 -> 60
-Increased the cool down of "Mystic Dash" to be same as "Force Kick"

Force Blader
-Increased the cool down "Execration": 60 to 80
-Decreased "Mana Freeze" effect : -2500 -> -2400
-Increased duration of "Field of Enervation": 30 -> 45

Force Shielder
-Increased absorb damage of "Shadow Shield": 9000 -> 12000
-Decreased "Mortal Bane" -Defense : -70% -> -30%
-Decreased "Mortal Bane" Attack/M.Attack: 460 -> 360
-Decreased duration of "Mortal Bane": 90 -> 51
-Increased defense from "Shield Harden": 57 -> 76

-Decreased "Bloody Spirit -Defense: -70% -> -30%
-Decreased "Bloody Spirit" Attack: 300 -> 205
-Decreased duration of "Bloody Spirit": 90 -> 60

Force Archer
-Increased Magic Attack of "Astral Bow Lv. 11": +12 -> +45
-Increased cool down of "Curse Remove": 45 -> 90

Force Gunner
-Increased duration of Astral Gun buff: 990 -> 1890
-Increased Magic Attack of "Astral Gun": 11 -> 21
-Changed the category of "Astral Gun" from "Blank" to "Strengthen Weapons"
-Increased duration of "Art of Desperado": 27 -> 41

-Added MP to "Magic Control": +494

Other Small Changes

- Reduced the number of Fragments required for buying Essence Cores at Erebus (From 800 to 450)
- Added Skill Book (Astral Enchant [FB]) to newly created FB (Removed Skill book from Yuna)
- Adjusted the number of tokens per War Reward Cube for each level. The new rewards are:
War reward Cube level 1 - 1-3 war tokens
War reward Cube level 2 - 4-6 war tokens
War reward Cube level 3 - 7-10 war tokens
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Old 08/03/2018, 10:04   #87
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I just came back to playing Cabal a feew weeks ago after a loooooong break.
I am happy i found this server, its really nice.
Alot of players here every day, very international.

The staff is awesome, so helpful, Code is doing his best to update the game, alot of events and cool gifts he gives always <3

Been like 2-3 weeks I started here, theres always something to do, never boring.

Im kinda picky with servers, but this one got me.
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Old 08/21/2018, 08:43   #88
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-New Launcher with fix button
-New Anti-cheat system
-Day and Night feature (7am / 6pm)
-Wings system introduction
-Alz farm channel removal
-Skill tweaking
-Arcana Introduction
-Legend Arena & shop

New Launcher

Once you download and install our new Client, you'll notice that our launcher has had an upgrade. It also has a "Repair Client" button at the top right corner in the shape of a wrench.

New Anti-Cheat System (xCodeGuard)

Automatic Retargetting
We've implemented automatic retargetting in BM2. Simply turn on your Battle Mode 2 and select a target. Press "Normal Attack" skill to start attacking and then simultaneously press "Left Shift & F1".
Other options, are "Left Shift & F2", "Left Shift & F3", "Left Shift & F4". Each of these options have a different type of retarget and duration, so use whatever you feel is best for you.

Day & Night Feature

There's a new visual feature in game - "Day & Night". Based on the clock of your PC, at 18:00 (6 pm), the Global lighting is going to change into a more mysterious, dark, and gloomy lighting known as the "Night" time lighting. But at 07:00 (7 am) the lighting will change back to the bright, euphoric summery vibes as part of the "Day" time lighting.

Wings system introduction
Wings are now available in game, wings crafting system will follow.

Alz farming channel removal

The Alz farming channel has been removed. To replace this method of earning Alz, we have added Alz values to Materials (for upgrading equipment) dropped in dungeons. Simply sell your Materials at any NPC, or for higher profit, try selling it to other players in need.
You can see the values of each Materials at the NPCs, below:

Osmium -> Red Osmium
20,000 alz = Soul of Beast
20,000 alz = Fragment of Dragon
50,000 alz = Material Core (Redosmium)

Red Osmium -> Sigmetal
80,000 alz = Soul of Avaritia
250,000 alz = Fragment of Midas
280,000 alz = Material Core (Sigmetal)

Sigmetal -> Mithril
320,000 alz = Soul of Malice
320,000 alz = Fragment of Feybrand
250,000 alz = Material Core (Mithril)

Mithril -> Drei Frame
500,000 alz = Soul of Ira
600,000 alz = Fragment of Regole
600,000 alz = Material Core (Drei)

Class Skill Tweaking

We're still striving to reach the perfect balance between the classes. You can view the latest changes to the skills below.

- Dread (Debuff) fixed

-Bloody Spirit Defense -25%
-Bloody Spirit Attack +205

Force Shielder
-Mortal Bane Defense -25%
-Mortal Bane Attack +360
-Mortal Bane Magic Attack +360
-Reflex Shield Cooldown 200sec

Force Archer
-Art of Sniping Critical Damage +70%
-Art of Sniping Critical Rate +15%

-Intuition Defense Rate +9000
-Intuition Flee Rate +90% - 100%

-Spirit Shield Cooldown 180sec
-Spirit Shield Absorb Damage +6000
-High Regeneration Duration 24sec

Arcana Introduction

It's time for a new accessory! If you're up to the challenge, you can start your Arcana upgrading journey in Senilinea. Find the "Arcana Crafting" NPC and buy your Arcana. There are two different types - "Arcana of Chaos" and "Arcana of Law".
In order to upgrade it, you must use the Formula Cards bought at the same NPC, and try your luck. But beware, the upgrading MAY fail, destroying your Arcana in the process.
Each upgrade try requires Mission War Tokens & Chaos Cores. For now we've added Arcana upgrade formula cards up to +10. Soon enough you'll be able to get as far as +15, but get your +10 first! You can check the stats below:

Legend Arena & Legendary Shop

Form your strongest party with other players grab your entries for the latest dungeon - Legendary Arena! Each entry costs 8 Daily Quest Badges, and are available at Thera (Daily Quest Manager NPC) in Bloody Ice.

Upon killing Baldus, Fragments of Chaos will drop from the boss itself. The chest drops Baldus Coins that you can use in the Legendary Shop on our website. The amount of fragments & Baldus Coins from each run are random.

*Fragments of Chaos can be exchanged into Chaos Cores at the Thera, the Daily Quest NPC.

Legendary Shop
To be able to buy from LEGEND ARENA SHOP, 127(1 set of Baldus Token) must be in your warehouse
and you should have enough alz.

Login to website and go to LEGEND ARENA SHOP and click LEGEND SHOP

* Legendary points is additional stat points for your character.
* You can only buy a maximum of 3,000 LEGENDARY POINTS PER ACCOUNT
* More Legendary Items will be added later on.

After you purchased the Legendary Points, go to your CHARACTERS PANEL, you will see the additional +10 points in AVAILABLE LEGENDARY POINTS.
To add LEGENDARY POINTS, Just put numbers in stat inputs and click ADD LEGENDARY POINTS.

*Note: You can only add a MAXIMUM of 500 POINTS PER CHARACTER.

PART 3 is coming!

Happy Gaming!
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Old 09/07/2018, 22:13   #89
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Patch Note:



Extract and copy the files into CABAL CODEZERO folder.



Level Requirement: 200
Class Rank Requirement: 20


You can now upgrade DREIFRAME to ARCHRIDIUM
Drei parts + 5 materials
- Material Core (Arch)
- Fragment of Golden Dragon (Archridium)
- Soul of Belzac
- Fire Stone
- Sealed soul of Archridium

- HP +1500
- Resist Skill Amp. +14%
- Critical DMG. +14%
- Critical Rate +9%
- All Skill Amp. +7%

- Fixed the speed

* You can't use the new ability in Dungeons and Mission War
* If you unmounted the Wings/Mount in forbidden location you will be warped back to nearest Warp Zone.

You can now see the name of your enemy in warzones.

Additional Update

Legend Arena
Level Requirement: 200
Class Rank Requirement: 20

HAPPY GAMING!! More update is coming!
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Old 09/08/2018, 23:02   #90
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New update review:
DGs are too op. Please re-evaluate it. Make it clearablew with 2-3 player. The way you buffs the dg are bad (its bothering me cuz it seems like you dont play your own game), certain class feel superior BL FA to other class. Before you proceed with the update please ask your community first. In your mind you think its good for your server, but at the end of the day player the one that will be playing it. So we know more whats good and bad for the server. Make a poll about new content and post it here and see how many player are having fun with the new dgs.

If there's no fun in playing, people will leave. You make a p.server so that people can have fun and enjoy, thats why people go for p.server instead of official. So theres no point making things harder.
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