DMG Hack /1hit hack / DMG-Vervielfältiger? 02/13/2012 - Metin2 Private Server - 8 Replies Hay leute,
ich suche wie oben beschrieben einer diese mods / Hacks für einen Pserver..
ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen. :P
guys guys guys, just want to know, 07/08/2008 - RF Online - 2 Replies they say to obtain 70x damage/attack speed you need to double the client speed, but for me i think it is still wrong. it would only help you kill a PB in less time, am i right? u still need to make some tricks,.. cause i can kill all PB but it would just take a matter of time, never tried elan boss, just belphegor, in caulron/volcano area... all though for example, i can kill belphegor in 3mins, if i would double the client speed it would just be 1.5min or just even 1 min. correct me if im wrong