Originally Posted by FlyffFix
Warning: New app version found!
Bot could be unsafe!
Indeed, a new app version came out. This is an included security feature.
I will need to check original app packets again and compare with those DSX is sending.
A hotfix will be available today if nothing needs to be changed.
Edit: So there is no way I can access the original packets; I have shared internet in university and there are restrictions preventing me from capturing traffic from my phone.
However, I updated the API version in DSX and it seems to work. Judging from the version number (2.7.7 -> 2.7.8) these were minor changes only, so the bot should be safe to use.
I won't even put this on the first page, because I want everyone to read the disclaimer:
If you spent a lot of money or time in your account, you probably want to wait until I can confirm that the bot is safe again == Friday/Saturday.
Hotfix for the others:
Just drag & drop it into the (already existing) bot folder. Only the main .jar was updated.