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Urban Rivals Fight Bot (Ardent Gangnam)

Discussion on Urban Rivals Fight Bot (Ardent Gangnam) within the Browsergames forum part of the Other Online Games category.

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Urban Rivals Fight Bot (Ardent Gangnam)‎

My Baby in action

Urban Rivals (Latest Version) - Spanish Language

FREE Monthly License Lotto! 4-13-2013

Since I got my account back ill be giving 1 free license again.

  1. Just Comment and type your number starting from 1. so the next commentator will be 2 and so on.
  2. 1 user = 1 comment (no multi account pls)
  3. minimum of 40 participants.. after that ill draw the winner using

BTW i got a new updates guys.. ill update the download link today once its done.



Sample receipt
( By valuing my customers privacy i hid the names.)

So what are you waiting for? Be a AGUR Bot User now for only €50! (Excluding tax)


Ill give you a package for 500 clintz worth of cards + Urban rivals Gangnam Sytle Bot ^_^ for €100

You can reach me at my skype id : malaki.tyan1
Now accepting Paypal Payments ^_^ 10/19/2012

If you want to buy the source code just contact me.

  1. €20 Character Recognition and Priority System
  2. €15 Time management sysetm with deck and modes auto selection
I also Sell Clintz ^_^

€50 - 1m Clintz
€95 - 2m Clintz

Selling Big 5 also! ^_^

Pm me for offers

  1. Safe (Top 1 ^_^)
  2. 98% bug free
  3. Supports windows 7, windows server 2003, windows server 2007 and XP
  4. 2 1/2 days to get 20 credits (Depending on your game time)
  5. 5000+ Clintz per day (Depending on your deck) and possible Total of 500,000 clintz per month!
  6. No freezing in any game modes
  7. Card Sequence Setup
  8. Card Pill Setup (with accordance to the card)
  9. Card Recognition
  10. Card Fury Setup. (choose if you wanted to have a fury attack + pills)
  11. Activate Random Card (enables you to set a timer in minutes that will automatically randoms the sequence, pill use and fury of your deck)
  12. Set Top most (Allows your bot to be topmost window in your desktop)
  13. Tournament Only (Allows your bot to fight only when a tournament is in progress.)
  14. Time Management Settings. (Allow your to customize the time your bot starts and stops)
  15. No updates fee (Yes you dont have to pay me for a bug. Because its my fault that that shit happens not yours and its my pleasure to serve you.. lets just help together to make this bot stable ^_^ because im also using this..... for months)
  16. Im open for criticism to improve the bot. If your a customer you can send me a feature request and that will be for FREE!
  17. Licensing is per computer, ill be getting 3 of your mac address for me to deploy it to your machine.
  18. Again, Guaranteed Safe! Download Charles Proxy () this is a tool that can track the in and out information in your machine.. I guarantee you there are no email sending mechanisms in there. I dare you!
  19. Guild Manager (4-13-2-2013)

System Requirements

  1. .net Framework 4.0
  2. Ram 100MB (very low because it eats low memory)

botting while im sleeping results. 4-13-2013
heres the latest talk with my client.
Bot Updates

Feature Request On development

new stable release 4-13-2013
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10 Users
Old 10/04/2012, 18:31   #2
elite*gold: 0
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is it possible to have a trial version ?
even with 2 wins limitation

if you do so i can explain you how to not be forced to use a VM and continue your bot working without beeing on top ( works with urbot )
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Old 10/04/2012, 18:53   #3
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Originally Posted by fishpvp View Post
is it possible to have a trial version ?
even with 2 wins limitation

if you do so i can explain you how to not be forced to use a VM and continue your bot working without beeing on top ( works with urbot )
If you could help him do that, it would be a great improvement.
I noticed though it seems my bot still works while in background not sure how or why..
I think its only on windows 7 when you active the thumb preview in the taskbar.
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Old 10/04/2012, 21:51   #4
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that's it thumbnail preview work quite fine :-)

too sum up quickly here is an extract of MSDN

" The desktop composition feature, introduced in Windows Vista, fundamentally changed the way applications display pixels on the screen. When desktop composition is enabled, individual windows no longer draw directly to the screen or primary display device as they did in previous versions of Windows. Instead, their drawing is redirected to off-screen surfaces in video memory, which are then rendered into a desktop image and presented on the display."
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Old 10/04/2012, 22:19   #5
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It doesn't seem like i need to have it popuped up at all times.
But it won't work on xp systems or below.
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Old 10/04/2012, 23:07   #6
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other methods may work on xp :-)

- if you want to become epileptic you may minimize / maximize windows at a given frequency
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Old 10/05/2012, 00:06   #7
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Another solution is not using flash, but directly use the protocol itself,
I still got some of the protocol documented on a external hdd,
As i was working on this before . cpu usage 0-1% ram usage just a few mb.
No mistakes in clicking etc .
But i won't work on it so if malakiangtiyan wants to make the best bot he would do this.
It will give you full control , i cant send the documentation though as i am to lazy to search for it or on what external hdd it is..
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Old 10/05/2012, 01:37   #8
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Originally Posted by MaouKami View Post

Another solution is not using flash, but directly use the protocol itself,
I still got some of the protocol documented on a external hdd,
As i was working on this before . cpu usage 0-1% ram usage just a few mb.
No mistakes in clicking etc .
But i won't work on it so if malakiangtiyan wants to make the best bot he would do this.
It will give you full control , i cant send the documentation though as i am to lazy to search for it or on what external hdd it is..
That will be a cool idea MouKami. I also tried to skim the HTTP sending and recieving of UR using charles. but concluded that its hard since they uses dynamic request. like s7.urban s1.urban if im not mistaken. Also they abort and responsed a http errror once you delay your request.

About the minimizing thing I think thats the limitation of the bot it cant run without if being on top. But still if theres an idea theres a way. Ill try to find a solution.
@Maukami i think the your bot will work on w7 below you just have to check the pixels (since your bot is full pixel base) I noticed that not all pixel and images in xp are the same. and w2003 has there own set of images and pixel.

Ill be working on a trial version. Im just afraid that someone might just create a crack on it. Example making the bot run for 5 minutes or having a 2 fights limit.. they will just do a program that will change the time or re run the program once its not in the memory pool.

Overall, thanks for all the information guys.. That was really a good help.

Im sad that Maukami stop the development since he was the one who inspired me to make this bot.. I just think I will do the same this comming days because UR might update the game that will make us impossible to patch the bot.

To all my clients dont worry the updates will still continue, but that will be just for us.
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Old 10/05/2012, 01:48   #9
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My bot works on w7 and below, was talking with using the preview thumb,
So its not on top and still works, for me that works on windows 7 perfectly but win xp doesnt support that.

And nah so far i know just 1 of them is enough, but not sure but i was using the urban-rivals api, check there site, but you need a master key not a normal key.
I was using the master key that the flash client uses ofcourse .

Also was bored so i added the card lost hog, if its there it will be used to 1ko .
Unless the other player does something to cancel it out, but the win ratio gets a bit of a boost .
And the rounds get faster as it does a 1ko the first round .
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Old 10/05/2012, 08:16   #10
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25$?!?!? ouch pricey.
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Old 10/05/2012, 11:04   #11
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Originally Posted by felmare View Post
25$?!?!? ouch pricey.
its up to you buddy. Just read the feature i think $25 is quite resonabale in my pov.

Originally Posted by malakiangtiyan View Post
My Baby in action

  1. Safe (Top 1 ^_^)
  2. 98% bug free
  3. Supports windows 7, windows server 2003, windows server 2007 and XP
  4. 2 1/2 days to get 20 credits (Depending on your game time)
  5. 5000+ Clintz per day (Depending on your deck) and possible Total of 500,000 clintz per month!
  6. No freezing in any game modes
  7. Card Sequence Setup
  8. Card Pill Setup (with accordance to the card)
  9. Card Fury Setup. (choose if you wanted to have a fury attack + pills)
  10. Activate Random Card (enables you to set a timer in minutes that will automatically randoms the sequence, pill use and fury of your deck)
  11. Set Top most (Allows your bot to be topmost window in your desktop)
  12. Tournament Only (Allows your bot to fight only when a tournament is in progress.)
  13. Time Management Settings. (Allow your to customize the time your bot starts and stops)
  14. No updates fee (Yes you dont have to pay me for a bug. Because its my fault that that shit happens not yours and its my pleasure to serve you.. lets just help together to make this bot stable ^_^ because im also using this..... for months)
  15. Im open for criticism to improve the bot. If your a customer you can send me a feature request and that will be for FREE!
  16. Licensing is per computer, ill be getting 3 of your mac address for me to deploy it to your machine.
  17. Again, Guaranteed Safe! Download Charles Proxy () this is a tool that can track the in and out information in your machine.. I guarantee you there are no email sending mechanisms in there. I dare you!

sample receipt
(blackened because i value my customers privacy)

botting while im sleeping results. 10-4-2012

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Old 10/05/2012, 14:22   #12
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Originally Posted by malakiangtiyan View Post
Ill be working on a trial version. Im just afraid that someone might just create a crack on it. Example making the bot run for 5 minutes or having a 2 fights limit.. they will just do a program that will change the time or re run the program once its not in the memory pool.

To all my clients dont worry the updates will still continue, but that will be just for us.
there are a lot of way against this kind of cheap idea ...
- dont use system time for limitation (don't forget your bot work only when internet is up)
=> no use to change system time :-P

- allow it to run for few minutes ( 4 minutes for instance ) and make the bot wait 1 min before working .
=> each relaunch will lead to an abandon = reduce the interrest of a such bot
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Old 10/05/2012, 18:43   #13
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Originally Posted by fishpvp View Post
there are a lot of way against this kind of cheap idea ...
- dont use system time for limitation (don't forget your bot work only when internet is up)
=> no use to change system time :-P

- allow it to run for few minutes ( 4 minutes for instance ) and make the bot wait 1 min before working .
=> each relaunch will lead to an abandon = reduce the interrest of a such bot
Ive been in the field of progrmming for 4 years+ and lol I already have that idea in mind. And I have no plan on using the system time thats for newbies.I. said that because many bots are using that strategy (im pointing to those german or french or spanish bots (i really cant understand there langauge i guess there martians) in this fourm (not maoukami bot)).

What I am planning to do is, after it runs it will wait 5 minutes to function, do 1 round then w8 3 minutes to function. do another round then exits.

Also did the decription idea bump in your head before you said "cheap idea"? lol
Im finding some ways to prevent the program from being decrypted. Because as all we know... .im using .net framework (Yes and it is very easyto decompile and copy the codes (though i havent used my custom OOP base framework and the frontned was made during mid nights (crappy codes) still some noobs still wants it, (no offence) thats why some are eager to get a trial copy .)

Well, if anyone really wanted a trial.. Pls pm m 5 mac addresses in your computer and after i found a way to prevent my progrm from decyption ill email or send you a link that will contain the trial version .
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Old 10/05/2012, 19:15   #14
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Ok, i got some questions. In order to earn 5000 clintz a day, will the bot have to run all day/night? (All month for 500k?) Also, if the bot gets patched, will i have to pay another $25 to get the updated version? And do u accept clintz/characters? If so, how much....Sorry if these questions were addressed already, brand new on this website.
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Old 10/06/2012, 00:39   #15
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Originally Posted by iMathHater View Post
Ok, i got some questions. In order to earn 5000 clintz a day, will the bot have to run all day/night? (All month for 500k?) Also, if the bot gets patched, will i have to pay another $25 to get the updated version? And do u accept clintz/characters? If so, how much....Sorry if these questions were addressed already, brand new on this website.
Hi there buddy. well you dont have to bot all day but its recommended to do so... you just have to make a deck that is strong enough to be on the 10-150 in every tounrney.. well... my deck alwasy get into 10-150.. yeh sometimes 150+ (sad ) but guess what? i made it to top 5! that surpirse me ahhha. in a month? 500k? maybe more! if you use my bot youll get included in the raffle. my customer had won a cr worth (i wont tell the cards and price because it might get tracked.)

Just like what i had said. tehre are no fees in updates. you are also encourage to provide features and ill decide if its feasible, then if so.. ill do it for free. We both use the bot , we all use the bot, thus we all benefit from it.. why charge the updates right? again its for free. .

also FYI to all. i had deployed the new version of the bot in my australian client. last 2am.. i asked him to talk abou the bot in this thread so that others will be notified about my service, bot status etc...

Do i accept clintz? hmm i prefer $.. but if you really want and dont have money.. just pm me the cards... by the way i only accept CR's since those card prices dont go down
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bot, fight bot, ur bot, urban rival bot, urban rivals

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