Cannons, Voodoo 172 lvl3, Doomhammer 16 lvl3, 1 lvl1, FireStorm 4 lvl3 2 lvl2 1 lvl 0, full set of lvl 5 60s - Screenshot by Lightshot
Fight Gems - Screenshot by Lightshot 19,18,19,18
Rep Gems - Screenshot by Lightshot 19,17,18,17
Pet Gems - Screenshot by Lightshot
Battle Points bonus - Screenshot by Lightshot
ammo - Screenshot by Lightshot
exta 1 - Screenshot by Lightshot 15k+ rockets
extra 2 -
bonus - Screenshot by Lightshot
dutchmen - Screenshot by Lightshot
pearls & crystals - Screenshot by Lightshot 10k+ crystals!!!
skills - Screenshot by Lightshot
castles - Screenshot by Lightshot FULL!! , all perks !!!
Selling MS1 top 100 account, this account is full beside missing some voodoo cannons due to upgrading previous lvl 2 set, Top top ship in MS1, asking 400 euros and taking offers only accept paypal.
Ship has insane amount of ammo and has battlepoint bonuses !!! over 10k + crystals!!
Taking PM and offers!!,