Discussion on [AutoIt] CrayonCode Bot Project (Fish, Process, Etc) Fork (OpenSource & Free) within the Black Desert forum part of the MMORPGs category.
Seeing as @ is on hiatus right now and there's weren't any updates on CrayonCode I decided to put some time into it and update it. If and when he's back I'll retire this thread.
Download link: Tech support (sort of):
English/French/German Client (NA/EU) and 100% UI Scale. NO CUSTOM FONTS.
This doesn't work in the background, since it's screen-reading. You could smack it on VMWare but that's probably going to end up being unstable. For VMWare instructions please ask in the discord.
Also it only supports EN, FR, and DE and will remain so, feel free to localize.
Any other problems report them in the discord please!
Current functionality CrayonCode-Fishing:
Multiple-language support for fish-bot (EN, FR, DE)
Autofishes and completes fishing minigame
Classifies loot (Rarity, Specials, Event items)
Supports Kamasylvia Part 1 fish and specials including note in bottle
Supports custom image files to catch by putting an image in the res folder, ask on discord for instructions
Equip/discard fishingrods from Inventory (only discards unrepairable)
Uses buff food
Keeps track of your fishing stats
Stops when Free and Reserved Inventory is full or no fishing rods are available.
Reserve additional relic slots to stop fishing and only get event items and relics for long periods of fishing
Basic GUI [It's so shiny]
Feed Workers
Fish Drying feature
Improved diagnostics
Auto-updating of scripts
Processes timber, planks, ore, melted shards
Can create custom processes to make bronze, brass, steel
Multiple buff support (basic implementation, won't be able to buff during processing unfortunately)
Feed Workers
Snipes individual items on the marketplace (or tries its best to anyway)
Milks cows
Rolls with trade goods
CrayonCode for all the groundwork, bot is basically his
S3anlike & Rodent11 for the initial edits
UJuliet for the French translation
Google translate for the German translation
Maximato for Processing UI enhancements and mouse movement randomnization
how does sniper market work
sniper delay click update when item enters market does not buy
bot fishing works well
processing also processed
How do you make milk?
Provide a link to this thread in the original post maybe? ^^
I'll check through the code later to make sure it's still safe (i'm paranoid) and i'll provide feedback when i can. Thanks to all of you for your hard work.
01:32.46 FishingStandby detected.
01:32.46 Casting Fishingrod
01:32.55 Casting fishingrod failed.
01:32.57 Equipment found
01:32.59 rod_empty detected
01:32.59 Broken Fishingrod in Weaponslot detected.
01:32.59 Trying to swap Fishingrod. Discard = 0
01:32.59 Inventory closed
01:33.06 No usable Fishingrod found
01:33.06 Searching for unrepairable Fishingrod
01:33.14 No empty Fishingrod detected.
01:33.16 Inventory closed
01:33.16 SwapFishingrod failed. Stopping
After about 2 rods, it checks for another rod to replace, seems to close inventory instead of open so that it can find a rod, and stops because it thinks no rods could be found due to closed inventory.
There's some sort of watchdog system? because some people said that GM sometimes teleport players who is active fishing for a long time to a random island and if you stay fishing (on land) you will get banned.
I'm a bit lazy (don't judge me), and I don't know how to GitHub... but regarding the latest release:
Worker feed method updated
I took a look at what you did, and I think that how I fixed it is a bit better solution. Please just take a look at it, and see what you think (this is for the "WorkerFeed(" function).
Local Const $WorkerIcon = "res/esc_worker.png"
Local Const $WorkerStamina = "res/worker_staminabar.png"
Local Const $WorkerOffsets[4][2] = [ _
[-28, 453], _ ; Recover All
[-299, -18], _ ; Select food
[-243, 141], _ ; Confirm
[61, 453]] ; Repeat All
Local $x, $y, $IS
SetGUIStatus(StringFormat("Feeding Worker [%.1fm CD]", $WorkerCD / 60000))
$IS = _ImageSearchArea($WorkerIcon, 1, $Res[0], $Res[1], $Res[2], $Res[3], $x, $y, 10, 0)
If $IS = True Then
VMouse($x, $y, 1, "left")
$IS = _ImageSearchArea($WorkerStamina, 0, $Res[0], $Res[1], $Res[2], $Res[3], $x, $y, 10, "TRANSBLACK") ; 1523, 202
If $IS = True Then
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[0][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[0][1], 1, "left") ; Recover All 1495, 655
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[0][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[0][1] + 10, 1, "left") ; Recover All DIFFERENT LANGUAGES FIX
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[1][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[1][1], 1, "left") ; Select food 1224, 184
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[2][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[2][1], 1, "left") ; Confirm 1280, 336
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[3][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[3][1], 1, "left") ; Repeat All 1584, 655
VMouse($x + $WorkerOffsets[3][0], $y + $WorkerOffsets[3][1] + 10, 1, "left") ; Repeat All DIFFERENT LANGUAGES FIX
CoSe("{ESC}") ; Close Worker List
$WorkerFeedTimer = TimerInit()
Return True
SetGUIStatus("WorkerStamina missing")
Return False
I've also updated the worker_staminabar.png image, and it's a bit bigger now, so the offsets were also changed. I've attached my staminabar image (). So again my changes are: New image, new offsets, and _ImageSearchArea transparency (last parameter) set to "TRANSBLACK"
Reason: The new image that you're using is of the beer recovery icon, which can be in two states, so yours potentially won't work if the first worker is not working and full on stamina:
If you don't want to use my change and want to stick with yours instead... I don't really care either way, do what you want. But I noticed this issue as well and came up with my own fix. I then decided to see if you had made the changes, and saw how you were doing it.
Im thinking of making a launcher / downloader for this one where fixes gets downloaded instead.
Should be player friendly in that case I think.
That would be awesome. Just a heads up, I've been getting a variety of errors with the fishing function since the event started last week. Let me know if you want me to post the logs.
[AutoIt] CrayonCode Bot Project (OpenSource & Free) 06/23/2024 - Black Desert - 1115 Replies New Version for all resolutions: https://github.com/CrayonCodeGit/CrayonCode-BDO-Pr oject
I'm looking for testers and feedback. Images with avaible GUI and settings will follow when I've reached enough posts.
All new versions will be posted here.
Current functionality:
Autofishes and completes fishing minigame
Classifies loot (Rarity and Specials)