Hey community,
I quickly write down a very simple bot that will auto feed the workers while I`m afk. So what the bot does is:
Push left control to pop up the cursor.
Left click on the Worker icon.
Left click on recover all and left click on confirm to feed with the food.
Then click on the X to close the worker UI.
At least wait 30 minutes to repeat the process.
I start the bot with 7 on the numpad. I know that bdo blocks any outgoing hotkeys, so I put a delay of 5 seconds before the bot begins to work. I tab to desktop, start the bot and push the hotkey, then I tab back into the game and wait for the bot. But now nothing happens. I tested the script, without tabbing back to bdo and now it works fine and the cursor is moving, but not in the game. Could somebody help me to get this to work?
Here is the code: