Latest Information on Discord is that is undetected since 07. June 2024
But reactions say scam, down.
The Forum is no longer Moderated. There are 8 Posts like
"Find Womans in your city for night - Live Women" since a week and nobody deletes it.
It looks like a classic exit scam to me. It’s a shame because the cheat was really well-made and worked flawlessly. A detection can happen—that's no big deal—everyone who cheats for long enough gets caught eventually. However, this could have been handled more professionally. Now the hack is still being sold as "undetected," and people are getting scammed daily, only to end up banned in their game. It’s completely unnecessary. Unfortunately, Zaptine has lost all my trust because of this. Even though I’m tempted to buy the hack again because of its great features, you simply can’t support people like that. Zaptine should be banned from the forum as well.