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Selling 12 high level accounts - all lvl 100+ RO only
Discussion on Selling 12 high level accounts - all lvl 100+ RO only within the Battle of the Immortals forum part of the MMORPGs category.
03/18/2012, 10:47
elite*gold: 0
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Selling 12 high level accounts - all lvl 100+ RO only
I am quitting BOI, so i am selling all my accounts :
3 accounts lvl 120+
3 accounts lvl 115-120
2 accounts lvl 110-115
4 accounts lvl 100-105
all accounts have nice gear good for farming
6 accounts have zod pets
3 accounts the lvl 120+ all have pets +8 +9 fort and +10 boost & aries nebula and other zod skills good for farming (one pet is full zoded)
one character has 3 pieces of athena armor pieces ; last one coming soon
all accounts have many alts -- many lvl80+
also you can fight AR solo and win by fighting yourself in any bracket 45-74 ; 75-99 , or 100+ since you have 12 characters lvl100+
all characters are on a PWE official EU server (i don't play on **** pirated/private servers) , but won't say which one right now
600RON(6mil) only selling to Romania Bucharest -> face2face transaction
willing to trade for other game accounts -> ex: WoW
trading to other countries as well but you probably have to find a 3rd person here on the forum to be our intermediary, or money first... you'll have to trust me 600RON means aprox~ 136Euro
pm if interested, thanks
03/18/2012, 17:22
elite*gold: 0
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I think you won't get many buyers since you're looking only ro buyers and f2f transaction... But I must say its impressive.
03/19/2012, 19:52
elite*gold: 0
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03/20/2012, 21:47
elite*gold: 40
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Si cine crezi ca iti va da salarul lui pe o luna pe un kkt de joc ? )
And who do u think some1 will give his sallary for one month for a **** game ?
03/24/2012, 07:24
elite*gold: 0
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Interesting that the forum's "commentator" or "the forum's captain obvious to the rescue who always comes with obvious posts" -- Pain-x -- the man who desperatelly seeked hax and linked his BOI ID (Inductee) on this very forum for his very first posts... i remember you! then after someone told him how stupid he is he changed his forum name + deleted/edited his post because PWE could've tracked him...comes and tells me this.. boi a **** game... but you still played it. seriously go away flamer.
added info: you were so desperately for fame in this game and you couldn't make it in the official game because probably you were bad or didn't know how to make it to the top on official server so you played on private server which =0 for any game in a real gamer's eyes , proof you're selling private server accounts:
tsk tsk tsk jelous man. THOUGH you may have a point about the price in Romania... i drastically reduced the price... to half.
03/24/2012, 10:52
elite*gold: 0
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grolmih si crezi ca daca l-ai pus pe el acuma intr-o lumina proasta cineva o sa iti cumpere accountul? Ma dispera faptu ca noi romani cel mai urat ne purtam cu romanii nostri . Tine cont ca tu vrei sa vinzi exclusiv persoanelor romane , omul si-a exprimat punctul de vedere si eu sunt absolut de acord cu el "CIne o sa iti dea salariul pe o luna pe un joc"? Si de ce il faci noob pentru ca nu are atata timp sa joace cat tine? ca lucreaza si face si altceva? 90% din mmorpg-uri releva timpul consumat cu jocul nu cat skill ai sau talent.
I know is not romanian forum , but i had to tell him that
03/24/2012, 20:49
elite*gold: 0
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Reduced price to half. Also trading for 6 WoW game time cards!
03/25/2012, 18:14
elite*gold: 0
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as I said you wont find buyer that will come and do hand-hand transaction -_-'
03/25/2012, 19:17
elite*gold: 0
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In primul rand eu nu vad *** el vrea banii face2face cand el nu poate sa dea contul face2face.
Ce faci?vii cu laptopu sa te loghezi pe cont si pe mail?eu nu cred.
Daca mai gasesti si unu destept,vine ia contu,iti da in cap,pastreaza banii si iti ia si ceasul.
Tranzactiile se fac pe internet cu paypal.Daca iti iei teapa ceri un refund si gata.In realitate nu e asa de usor.
Nu mai pun la socoteala de *** te-ai luat de pain-x,nu ii tin partea,dar asa nu o sa iti cumpere nici dracu.
Sorry but as r3mdp said,i had to tell him this.
03/26/2012, 20:15
elite*gold: 0
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Don't worry there's no sugar.
03/27/2012, 20:18
elite*gold: 0
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03/28/2012, 12:01
elite*gold: 0
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pff eu as da 600ron pt acc's , pacat ca mis din timisoara 600ron nui prea putin totusi
03/28/2012, 21:02
elite*gold: 40
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Originally Posted by rq3dm4
grolmih si crezi ca daca l-ai pus pe el acuma intr-o lumina proasta cineva o sa iti cumpere accountul? Ma dispera faptu ca noi romani cel mai urat ne purtam cu romanii nostri . Tine cont ca tu vrei sa vinzi exclusiv persoanelor romane , omul si-a exprimat punctul de vedere si eu sunt absolut de acord cu el "CIne o sa iti dea salariul pe o luna pe un joc"? Si de ce il faci noob pentru ca nu are atata timp sa joace cat tine? ca lucreaza si face si altceva? 90% din mmorpg-uri releva timpul consumat cu jocul nu cat skill ai sau talent.
I know is not romanian forum , but i had to tell him that
Originally Posted by slayer_boy
In primul rand eu nu vad cum el vrea banii face2face cand el nu poate sa dea contul face2face.
Ce faci?vii cu laptopu sa te loghezi pe cont si pe mail?eu nu cred.
Daca mai gasesti si unu destept,vine ia contu,iti da in cap,pastreaza banii si iti ia si ceasul.
Tranzactiile se fac pe internet cu paypal.Daca iti iei teapa ceri un refund si gata.In realitate nu e asa de usor.
Nu mai pun la socoteala de cum te-ai luat de pain-x,nu ii tin partea,dar asa nu o sa iti cumpere nici dracu.
Sorry but as r3mdp said,i had to tell him this.
Nam ce face ..... Cat am avut timp am jucat jocul si eu ca disperatul 10 ore + in fiecare zi .... dar acum muncesc 10 ore juma pe zi si nu am timp ......
Dar nai ce cere ....... si 600 RON is mult in Romania .... ( mai ales pentru tine probabil )
Si pentru cel care e vanzator ..... Pe oficial ce crezi ..... Am jucat si m-am plictisit acolo de exp low .... Sunt saturat de EXP LOW ! Am jucat L2 ( Retail ) de cand era C4 pana am ajuns lvl maxim .....si credema ca sunt satul de exp low.
03/29/2012, 21:50
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 43
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Okey... bump
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