When rewriting tables there were errors with sending on an foreign key. I haven't risked to delete this key and have just cleared tables of contents. Because of it some counters weren't nullified.
There is a lot of such keys, about 20 pieces. They in fact create dependences of tables among themselves.
In the procedure the StoredProcedure [dbo].[rsp_MarketTrade] (AT_GameDB01) noticed an error. The variable with an error in her name is used.
It isn't sure that the mistake in the register of a symbol can create a problem (Ee).
SELECT @REsultBankMoney = [Money] FROM [tbl_BankAccount] WHERE [PersonID] =@DstPersonID
SELECT @ResultBankMoney = [Money] FROM [tbl_BankAccount] WHERE [PersonID] =@DstPersonID
No declare: @REsultBankMoney; Declare: @ResultBankMoney.
If "E=е" in a name, then it doesn't influence result. And if a name unique, then as a result there can be errors in a market.
I haven't noticed a difference in a game so far.