I started when I was a teenager. My mother's friend gave me the ep1/2 case for my birthday.. I was like wtf is this sh*t and waited 5hrs on dial up internet for it to patch. Young me couldn't afford the premium membership, so I did the 30day free trial and got hooked.
It was sometime in that trial that it turned f2p and I loved that game. I invited my friends from school and we'd all be in Skype and grind like noobs 1 mob at a time (with lvl share on). I remember trying to run across the bridge to Tullan and people kept PKing and not letting us pass.. Frustrating but always aspired to being that guy who decided where people can and can't go.
Later my friends and I turned into "badasses" and would 3v1 gank people when they had 1/2hp from grinding, thinking we are gods haha.
Ever since then, I played every episode except the very last one from WZ (Shrines etc). Great memories, what a game!
Originally Posted by Sc4rf4c3
The server you're referring to was Evengarda. But psyborg was in another server (Brumhart, I think). Everyone hated that guy because he powerlevel'd his zerk lol.
I also remember Macondo and his newbie gang of pkrs, wich he profusely denied he was the leader until someone caught him.
Also remember Hykren, Muffins, r3bôrn, Splico and some other fellows that always made me laugh in the CM forums and ingame.
I played on Brumhart....
Psyborg was some Greek guy... a turbo noob who had way too much free time. I always remember him getting rekt by lv5x at SG and perma hiding in safe zone
As for Macondo, the guild was called NoobKillahs. Zombee/Mjoo where the terrible 2 on Brumhart and would have half of the server chasing them lol. I had a lv33 mage in their guild and it was actually really fun to go against lv60+ players as a lv30 (and win!). The PKing was just to get better players attention and get some team fights going
Originally Posted by Voldonx
10 years later and I'm still browsing Al related forums lel.
10 years later and still grinding that nub sorc ((((: