Hi, I pay good for a sorc and a mage lvl 1 full realm poison, not in the same account, cut this char is for me and my wife I wanna really buy it, please tell me!
I pay with paypal, give me offer. Thx please sell me ...... & tell me price
WTS LVL 90 SORC FULL REALM (EVENGARDA) 06/30/2010 - Archlord Trading - 3 Replies hi i want to sell sorc lvl 90 full realm in evengarda, with cast ing gaudius and inteligent luke + some cc. account come with email ofc, offer me in euro or other account or unique ty :)
[Gaia] WTS 90+ Sorc Full Realm with Uniques + CC 11/08/2009 - Archlord Trading - 12 Replies As the title says ...
Wanna sell my Sorc lvl 9x !
With Pargon + Ohkeros + 4 Luke (Sta,Int,Wings)
Plus CC ... round about 10k
Plus Stones,ResObrs and so on !
Offer here or pm !
WTS LVL 56 SORC FULL REALM!!! 09/02/2009 - Archlord Trading - 3 Replies Ok here it goes,selling sorcerer lvl 56 full realm (lightning armor and kilt,ice bracers,boots,cap-x 2)no guild no friends no vps totally clean account with good wand lvl 55 +10 6/8 attack lvl 3 and 2 lvl 5 fire stones in armor are all lvl 3 and it has very good build in storage 100+ gc and u get amount of gold depending on offer possible up to 30-50bil gold soo lets see if anyone has something to offer!
For more infos or screenshots or anything similiar,
Need money on paypal.
WTB mage + sorc lvl1 full poison not in same account 08/31/2009 - Archlord Trading - 1 Replies Hi, I wanna buy sorc and mage lvl1 full poison not in the same account cuz this char is for my wife and me, server (cyripus) i pay with paypal offer me!
Ty !!
WTB SORC + MAGE LVL1 FULL POISON NOT IN THE SAME ACCOUNT FOR € 08/31/2009 - Archlord - 2 Replies Hi, I wanna buy a sorc & a mage lvl1 full poison, I pay with paypal.
Not in the same account cuz it's for my wife and me. Thx !
Give me a price ! Really seriously I buy with €, $ or £ THX.