im wondering if any of u is still interested...
PM me if u still are, trade will be simple, u give me cash, i PM u the entire method, and if u fail to get it to work i will be helping you ingame so we can get it to work...
100 euros.... and for the ppl that PMd me and ask me if id sell it for less, stop PMing me cuz i dont, and i wont, and never will since this is a cheat that is kinda close to priceless but for sale at this moment!
sales of dupe method will stop after 10 july 2009...
i will search a screenshot of how effective duping can be soon (since i have millions of SS's on my pc it will take a while)
and emme can be trusted on the fact that if i tell him how it works, he wont re sell the dupe for less $$$?
cause thats the only reason why i am holding back on prooving it...
Oh, if that's why your holding it back, don't worry. Once you downloaded teamviewer I'll let you connect to my computer, and show you what I'm capable of doing, you'll be suprised I promise. Already manage to dupe items (Well, in a different way) so I'm in no need of hacks like yours.
Heres how my dupe system works:
Open up a AL client and if my program is updated, it'll find the client.
Type in the itemid of your item (you must have it in your bag in order for the program being able to get it's info). ItemID's can be found in itemdatatable.
It'll search for the item using a loop, and if it find you have a choise to 'copy' the item and send it to the client, or exit the program.
The item will dissapear if client is closed, since the UID is not a correct UID.
That picture looks very wierd. Seeing that the 'packs' are only in 76/77 pair, you could easily drop a item (66 pair) then pick it up (67 pair) and then photoshop it together real nice. Don't know tho.
He have told me the method. Nothing fancy, works tho I think. I could provide anyone who pays good money with a better method that is much more safer and 100% luck, the one you saw me using in previous page. Not sure if I should sell tho, but offers are welcomed through PM.
If people don't trust Donner I could be the middle-man, in spite of that I already know the method he's selling I just need to confirm the money and give the payer the method. Up to you guys =P
well emme all is ok with me, i just need to get a lil bit of cash... im not sellin this to get uberrich... just for own holiday spendings
and once i have the first buyer and he can confirm it aswell ppl will start to drop in for buyin it
NOTICE: this dupe will be sold so that you only can use it to gain profits ingame, i wouldnt like it if u would re sell it for less $$$ cause that would be a way to tear up a certain field of economy and putting me out of business...
dupe will be sold till 10 july 2009 after that it will be a free market, and see what happens
ps. if id photoshopped it, why do 76/77 pairs in one ss and 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 etc pairs in the other? and again i dont even have photoshop xD but i know what u mean
Dupe Methods on Brazen RF,JustRF,Brazillian RF,Freedom RF 11/30/2010 - RFO Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Guides - 45 Replies I'm Back Again On Selling Dupe Methods
(These servers metioned on the thread title surely works)
other servers haven't tried it since i don't have time doing it.
Price is $100
Transaction is Donate $50 on my account and i teach you the method. Once you have done it once pay the balance.
just leave me a message for those who're interested
Dupe Methods ? 09/13/2010 - Aion - 3 Replies Hello Guys,
wanted to know if anyone have any idea on duping methods at aion?
whats about that trade bug i heared, someone can explain it to me, please?
i known a method to dupe items, but its fixed now :(
btw, playing on a privat server, so if u have dupe method that are fixed on retail, pls post em for me, maybe they still work on the pserver
would be really nice :)
Dupe Methods on Brazen RF,JustRF,Brazillian RF,Freedom RF 05/18/2010 - RF Online - 3 Replies I'm Back Again On Selling Dupe Methods
(These servers metioned on the thread title surely works)
other servers haven't tried it since i don't have time doing it.
Price is $100
Transaction is Donate $50 on my account and i teach you the method. Once you have done it once pay the balance.
just leave me a message for those who're interested
Trade my many methods of dupe.. 02/24/2010 - RF Online - 9 Replies Trading my dupe, to your dupe which is working on rf equilibrium...
I can proof my dupe on your BSB 2.2.3 or Grand Update server.
And you proof your dupe on rf equilibrium.
seeing how no one will post one of there dupe methods heres on of mine for stackables 11/27/2008 - Perfect World - 10 Replies its simple run CE (note* this only works on stackables) .... and lets say you have some pots there? you have 28 pots search for that in ce when you find it just simple change it... you might be saying this will do nothing its server side.. no its not. items are client side untill thay are sold.... so all you do is dupe a lot of BQ items cuz thay worth a shit tone. and after thay you have a few sell them and watch what happens.. you will get the money. for all the items that you just duped..... ...