[GAIA] WTS RED SIGN RING 05/06/2009 - Archlord Trading - 5 Replies POST HERE OFFERT OR PM ME.
WTS Red Sign Ring 1/1 (stam lvl 3) in Cyripus 04/26/2009 - Archlord Trading - 5 Replies Hello, i want to sell Red Sign Ring, stam lvl 3 in Cyripus ;)
My price: 31 Euro
Pm me offers (Euro or USD)
Here is screen:
http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/181/redk.th.jp g
WTB Red Sign Ring (gaiahon) 04/11/2009 - Archlord Trading - 2 Replies as the title says, im willing to pay in gold mebay in $. hit me up with offers