Originally Posted by WhaleWhaleWhale
i think its pretty funny
This man just stated facts, ppl are getting scammed over and over due to that dumb 1:1 CFW stuff lol.
If you want to swap to DMA, inform yourself, be careful of scammers, and don't overpay!
Originally Posted by Predaceous
i had clutches "custom private" and got hit. Been playing legit the last month after coming back after 6 months of not playing. Got banned just for having the dma in my pcie slot. totally forgot it was even there till i got banned after the update. Lost a 14x pred account with 90k kills. Kinda sucks i got ****** just for having it in my pc
Wasn't there an Kill-Switch on it?
I always suggest to buy an DMA with an Killswitch so it shuts down completly.