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U.D./Non-HWID Bannable Apex Linux Cheat - 1st Generation Cheats

Discussion on U.D./Non-HWID Bannable Apex Linux Cheat - 1st Generation Cheats within the Apex Legends Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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Thumbs up U.D./Non-HWID Bannable Apex Linux Cheat - 1st Generation Cheats

Imagine playing Apex Legends with the full spectrum of how you want to cheat, from rage to legit, Advanced RCS/Anti-Recoil, Glow, ESP Sense and a highly dynamic, very configurable, but still easy to understand config that even a child can understand, just in case you have never opened your newly purchased cheat and then spent all day in some shitty discord support because there is no explanation on what each setting actually does? How about, also, Never using an HWID spoofer again...Yes, you heard right, not having to pay extra or even worry about HWID spoofing, and potentially destroying your entire machine and its expensive parts, forever? Why do you think HWID spoofing IS SO LUCRATIVE?? its hard, dangerous, and any tech expert will tell you it should never be done. Continuing... Want to rage and get banned in a week? Or play 7 consecutive predator seasons like myself and 5 of the other developers of this, so that even when we try to get banned, we do not. No big deal, but if you do go hard enough to get banned, since this is COMPLETELY and always WILL BE FULLY U.D.'ed software, if you happen to get banned, it WILL NEVER BE an HWID ban, never will stop you from just making another account 1 minute later without even logging out, forget reinstalling windows and formatting, as I stated, make another account without logging out and start playing again, forever, without worrying you are about to get clipped any second, or worrying, "omg, did that 1000 dollar spoofer i just bought work right?!?!?" ....relax....think top streamers are still using DMA and other direct memory access software and expensive hardware? Ha, that died in 2022... The second steam and Apex was available on Steam Deck, meant it was also available on EVERY linux desktop distro, and now with Linux Gaming Technology offering a BETTER experience, consistency, reliability, and performance metrics for gaming, if you have not tried it yet you now can and will also have another reason to never play on a windows OS again...Windows OS's, 10/11 or whatever version you want to back up, is good at one thing...Recording metrics, HWIDs, Device profile settings, etc, of its users SO well, that Anti-cheat devs have it extremely easy to pin you to the wall with life long bans by knowing, most likely, 50+ separate hardware device IDs and if you get caught with 3/50 playing after a ban, you will get banned again, no saving yourself...Forget all that stress, and join us at 1st Generation Apex. we finally feel comfortable releasing something people have been begging for us to just keep private...Why only offer this to the 20 current people at 1,200 USD a month, when we can bless everyone with it at 70 dollars USD per month..and the great thing, it WILL NOT GET ANY MORE DETECTED OR DEFENDED AGAINST BY APEX EAC/ANTI-CHEAT DEVS... we have been Pred EVERY single season, with 6 out of the original 10 devs still not banned to this day, starting around approximately season 14. The pre req's for this are simple, just install your favorite Linux Gaming Distro alongside Windows On the same HD or use a Separate HD, or hell even a Flash drive if you would like. If you need help installing Linux that is no problem, the average no-knowledge Linux first timer is on Apex and using our software within 1 hour, and that figures in the 70+ GB Apex download...So get away from these other re-sold, re-used, same devs for just about EVERY catchy version available, and come try something new. Why does this sound toooo good to be true? It does, but when you do not let money drive the force that is making you do something, like in our case, the profit for all is always the most mind-bending...we already make great money with our day jobs, so we rather not be greedy, break the mold, and show all these other rediciulous resellers on here what true, "Undetectable" and "NON-HWID Bannable" really is...because what other software for Apex Legends or ANY other game can claim those things?? better than DMA or your money back! come see us on telegram for more info!

Message ME, the head dev DIRECTLY, if I do not respond please IMMEDIATELY please be patient, this is the first hour we have gone public with the most earth shattering stride in Apex Game Hacking since DMA was conceived....
player4488 is offline  
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