Originally Posted by mathieuderuyck
What settings you use then? Silent aim how it work to be legit? Isn't it manually detectable or even detectable by spectators?
Hello mathieuderuyck. Silent Aim is a bit different in our product to what you find elsewhere... With other products it will usually appear like you are experiencing a ton of lag on the spectator side. Ours actually hides the bullets from the server much like what you see in COD or older source games. Check the video below for an example of CX silent aim from a spectator POV:
To answer previous questions:
yes there have been detections, but fortunately they are rare. last streak lasted about 1 year. we've been active here since the game released in early 2019 so we've learned the antics of the anti cheat quite well and how to avoid it. that also extends to our aimbot and how it evades the server side AI.