[Explaination]Physical-&Magical Reinforce.

10/27/2010 23:31 Hyperlite#1
Physical & Magical Reinforcement.

Here goes again;
There's still a lot of people who probably don't know what the Physical/Magical Reinforce is actually for. I've been around a few forums, and none really do explain what it does (Or their just wrong with their explanations). So I've written a little bit of my knowledge down for you guys.

So lets get started!
There are a few simple calculations every serious SRO player should know.

Physical Defense= Str x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.
Magical Defense= Int x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.

Physical Attack= Str x Physical reinforce + Physical damage.
Magical Attack = Int x Magical reinforce + Magical damage.

The Reinforcement on your Weapon and your Gear is actually more important than the Physical/Magical Attack/Defense. The reason is simple; their base values in the equations listed above.
Obviously you would rather have a higher multiplier than a number you add to the equation.

Here's an example;
Lets say you have a level 100 Char, with 500 Str.

A 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with a Physical Attack of 2146 ~ 2558 (80%) and a Physical reinforce of 276.8% ~ 338.3% (0%)
Physical Attack= 500 x 276.8% + 2146 = 3530 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack= 500 x 338.3% + 2558 = 4249.5 ( Maximum attack power )

Now the same +5 2-Handed Sword, but with 0% Physical Attack and 80% Physical reinforce

A 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with a Physical Attack of 2062 ~ 2454 (0%) and a Physical reinforce of 299.9% ~ 366.6% (80%)
Physical Attack=500 x 299.9% + 2062 = 3561.5 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack=500 x 366.6% + 2454 = 4287 (Maximum attack power )

I know the difference isn't big, but I'm only stressing the fact that the Physical reinforce is also a very important thing you should worry about.

Here's a 2-Handed Sword +5 level 98 with 80%/80%
Physical Attack=500 x 299.9% + 2146 = 3645.5 ( Minimum attack power )
Physical Attack=500 x 366.6% + 2558 = 4391 (Maximum attack power )

Another few common question that people have:
"What does Parry ratio do?"
Parry Ratio determines the amount of damage you receive during an attack. The higher the parry ratio, the less chance of taking maximum hit rating from an opponent.
"What does Attack Rate do?"
Attack Rate determines the amount of damage you deal during an attack. The higher the Attack Rate, the higher the chance of dealing maximum damage to an opponent.
Well that's it, hope you guys learned anything from this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
10/28/2010 16:46 bula13#2
10/28/2010 17:32 yurka333#3
nothing more to say,thx..useful sometimes info :P and better to have phy attack and phy reinforce 80% :D
12/01/2010 15:24 Hyperlite#4
Added combined 80/80 Stats out of boredom and to get this on 1st Page again (:
12/02/2010 22:24 Mykha*#5
thx for that tip i knew it before but not that detailed
12/26/2010 10:36 Danty-sparda#6
Only we can say THANKS ^_^
12/26/2010 16:38 deive333#7
Well, that make some sence... :)
12/30/2010 04:07 seph1roth#8
thanks for the info :)

the reinforce of accesoirs are counted to defence or damage or both?
01/27/2011 13:26 Hyperlite#9
Originally Posted by seph1roth View Post
thanks for the info :)

the reinforce of accesoirs are counted to defence or damage or both?
Accesories are Physical and Magical Absorbtion, so have nothing to do with your attack. So clearly they are for defence.
10/03/2011 23:14 fox55#10
Thanks for the info.
10/13/2011 22:41 deathbloom#11
i knew this long time ago but very useful for ppl who dont
10/14/2011 20:36 BlackStar_#12
year old thread ^^ still useful info though

just a error here, I think. Don't know for sure, but it doesn't really sound logical this way ^^
Originally Posted by Hyperlite View Post
Physical Defense= Str x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.
Magical Defense= Int x Physical reinforce + Total Physical defense.
12/07/2011 22:20 sleepwalker69#13
Not only that the math is wrong too....

500 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3530

To fix that, use a decimal in the characters STR

5.00 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3530

That would be the same even if your STR was 515

5.15 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3571.52

But thanks for the explanation of how it works =)
10/17/2012 05:26 EverStar#14
Originally Posted by sleepwalker69 View Post
Not only that the math is wrong too....

500 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3530

To fix that, use a decimal in the characters STR

5.00 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3530

That would be the same even if your STR was 515

5.15 X 276.8 + 2146 = 3571.52

But thanks for the explanation of how it works =)
What you are saying is 500*276.8% (which is the same as 500 * 2.768 or 5.00*276.8)... The math is... 500 * 276.8 / 100 (thus the % sign)...
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I know this is an old topic, but since I stumbled upon it while trying to learn how exactly those values worked, I landed at this, checked out, and found out some discrepancy...


Wiz 1:
Weapon: Legend D13+2, 87% m.atk (6449~7883), 22% m.reinf (854.3%~1044.2%)

Int: 532
min dmg: 532*8.543+6449 = 10993.876
max dmg: 532*10.442+7883 = 13438.144
Actual Dmg: 10995~13463

Int (w/ buffs): 592
min dmg (w/ buffs): 592*9.076+6312=11506.456
max dmg (w/ buffs): 592*10.442+7883=14064.664
Actual Dmg (w/ buffs): 11508~14063

Same Wiz 1, different weapon:
Weapon: Legend D13+2, 51% m.atk (6312~7715), 83% m.reinf (907.6%~1109.3%)

Int: 529
min dmg: 529*9.076+6312 = 11113.204
max dmg: 529*11.093+7715 = 13583.197
Actual Dmg: 11114~13265

Int (w/ buffs): 589
min dmg (w/ buffs): 589*9.076+6312=11657.764
max dmg (w/ buffs): 589*11.093+7715=14248.777
Actual Dmg (w/ buffs): 11658~13865

Wiz 2:
Weapon: Legend D13+2, 51% m.atk (6312~7715), 83% m.reinf (907.6%~1109.3%)

Int: 514
min dmg: 514*9.076+6312 = 10977.064
max dmg: 514*11.093+7715 = 13416.802
Actual Dmg: 10978~13115

Int (w/ buffs): 574
min dmg (w/ buffs): 574*9.076+6312=11521.624
max dmg (w/ buffs): 574*11.093+7715=14082.382
Actual Dmg (w/ buffs): 11522~13715
On a 3rd Wizard, with Weapon D12+2, the values match exactly right...
Even though for the first Wizard with first weapon the values almost match (except for value for max damage without buffs, which is a bit off), for the second Wizard and first Wizard with second weapon, all max damage is off by at least 300 points... Is that a bug with D13 weapons? Or maybe with the values for Reinforce being too high for their math formulas?
01/13/2013 21:49 fsfgfs#15
are u fucking kiding me . is that the mistery xDDD where is the double thank button :X