AI botting project

09/25/2024 06:18 collute#1
So I've been writing a bot program on python for a few days now.
currently very barebones, only knows how to use the attack button, move left and right, up jump and jump down, only detects your character and mobs and you will have manually take image of your character and the mob, don't know about platform but will try to get in range to mobs to attack based on x y axis.
no rune solver atm but will watch mini map for rune spawn,alert user and stop attacking. Have to use your own pet to solve the looting,potion,buffs problem.
anybody interested in something like this? just a fun project will be free and maybe ppl can work and improve on it? don't really expect much.
I know that there are better bots out there and really just doing this for fun.
10/21/2024 09:21 kevel1#2
There are a lot of these that exist,

such as

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Your best bet is using moonlight/external capture + arduino/pi/external dma to read from game then have your hid/pid spoofed run through your arduino/kmbox/pi and have that sending strokes. That's how I've been not banned for 8months.
10/21/2024 13:42 Malfyx#3
I made my own AutoHp in python but needs a little tweaking for better accuracy. Can also use the same method for creating an AutoMp. Let me know if your interested.