EFT Radar 1PC vs 2PC

08/23/2024 10:46 Sam Smitheson#1
Hey all! I've been a longtime Ring-1 user, and now keen to try out the radars. Is there a security advantage of a 2pc radar like Clutch Solutions / Slate Hub vs a 1 PC like Wingelware? Thanks!

PS - I've scanned the forums and haven't really found an in depth definitive answer.
08/23/2024 14:50 Egal#2
I wouldnt bother going through the hassle of setting them up. If a cheat is detected, its usually the driver thats causing the bans and that still has to run on your host

The only kind of 2pc setup that makes sense imo is using a dma card
08/23/2024 16:30 DeprimereShop#3
Egal is spot on.
08/25/2024 17:39 AimHelpers#4
i have both 1 pc and 2 pc radar set up, no sense buying a dma set up for eft when there are undetected 1 pc radar set ups that cost next to nothing.
08/25/2024 23:47 Ducks Services#5
DMA by far would be the safest 2PC alternative, but as mentioned many 1PC cheats are still dominating the wipe. EX: Hydra lite, ABS, Ring1
08/27/2024 18:11 atsuii#6
Originally Posted by Sam Smitheson View Post
Hey all! I've been a longtime Ring-1 user, and now keen to try out the radars. Is there a security advantage of a 2pc radar like Clutch Solutions / Slate Hub vs a 1 PC like Wingelware? Thanks!

PS - I've scanned the forums and haven't really found an in depth definitive answer.
I used SlateHub on 1PC with VMWare for several months (over the last 1.5 years) and never been banned, works well :) currently thinking of trying Wingelware though as it looks pretty cool
08/28/2024 03:15 Toxic.dll#7
2PC are not cool to use, delays and limited features

DMA its overkill to Battleye (EFT Ant Cheat) even public pasted can keep up for over a year, know good public UD for over 3 years with high customer base

And DMA its also not possible to detect, firrmware can get detected, and other things if they really want to do, so whatever