edit battle arena score

07/06/2024 19:11 matthew2014#1

do anyone know which pk file i have to edit
to change the mobs and size in battle arena score

can someyou please help?
thank you.
07/07/2024 19:28 yoneh1#2
Originally Posted by matthew2014 View Post

do anyone know which pk file i have to edit
to change the mobs and size in battle arena score

can someyou please help?
thank you.
dwObjID = refobjcommon ID
dwTacticsID has the dwObjID
refnest has the dwTacticsID

you need to change the dwobjID to the one you want

SELECT c.Codename128, r.*
FROM Tab_refnest r
INNER JOIN Tab_RefTactics t ON r.dwTacticsID = t.dwTacticsID
INNER JOIN _RefObjCommon c ON t.dwObjID = c.ID
INNER JOIN _RefRegion rr ON r.nRegionDBID = rr.wRegionID
WHERE rr.ContinentName = 'ARENA_OCCUPY';
this query will help you see the monster in the area

you can find size in _refObjCommon under Scale. 100 is default. try to increase +50 at a time