CE Xero Table

04/24/2024 04:21 xAmbiente#1
well, ive made up my mind,

here u go
04/29/2024 13:30 kevinkilller998#2
What is this?
05/11/2024 01:04 Neyil#3

aobscan(ISP,0F 2F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 76 1E 51 F3 0F 10 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 11 04 24 8B 4D 80 8B 11 8B 4D 80 8B 82 ??)

db 0F 2F 85 26

db 0F 2F 85 30

Originally Posted by kevinkilller998 View Post
What is this?
lol btw
05/11/2024 17:52 LowLvlGod#4
Careful, they detect any .text changes and report it to the server, even if they don't crash you right away.
05/11/2024 20:48 Neyil#5
.text resources are executable?

Where is the info that they are sending, you would have to send a fake
05/12/2024 01:08 0N1K4G3#6
Originally Posted by Neyil View Post

aobscan(ISP,0F 2F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 76 1E 51 F3 0F 10 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 11 04 24 8B 4D 80 8B 11 8B 4D 80 8B 82 ??)

db 0F 2F 85 26

db 0F 2F 85 30
It's because this part of the memory is protected. So patching the memory ofc will crash.
05/12/2024 03:51 Neyil#7
Originally Posted by 0N1K4G3 View Post
It's because this part of the memory is protected. So patching the memory ofc will crash.
1 month ago I used an old pattern and had god mode working.

You say it is "protected"

How is it protected then?

Later I will try to reverse the crash and see if I can skip it
05/12/2024 11:42 0N1K4G3#8
Originally Posted by Neyil View Post
1 month ago I used an old pattern and had god mode working.

You say it is "protected"

How is it protected then?

Later I will try to reverse the crash and see if I can skip it
you're wrong, If this => '72 10 F3 0F 10 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 11 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D 8D ?? ?? ?? ?? 51 8B 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 8B 4D 90 83 C1 2C E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B' is what you used then it was protected.
05/12/2024 13:13 LowLvlGod#9
Originally Posted by Neyil View Post
1 month ago I used an old pattern and had god mode working.
The most likely reason why you didn't crash is because they temporarily disabled it. Some things i did before that caused a crash suddenly didn't crash anymore, but wasn't a fault on their side, it was strategy. Instead of crashing you directly, they let you do your thing while still logging any of your attempts to find out what you are doing.

Originally Posted by Neyil View Post
How is it protected then?
Integrity checks, they constantly scan memory regions and calculate checksums.

Originally Posted by Neyil View Post
Later I will try to reverse the crash and see if I can skip it
For crashing, they use several methods, last time i checked including
  • spawning threads at random locations
  • spamming exceptions
  • memory allocation flood

The AC they use was initially created by Vivien (VivyaCC) in Remnants days, later rewritten and further enhanced for Xero (likely) in collaboration with Dean (Xero owner). I have enought experience with this people to know that it isn't wise to publicly disclose any information on how to bypass their stuff, as they are very active on this forum. The have even hidden their online activity on their profiles to hide their presence.

Dean -> [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Vivien -> [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]