High End account MR 33 (legendary 3)

02/23/2024 02:29 DestinedRebel#1
My account included:
- All prime warframe available, all prime weapon available (except Akarius Prime), all normal warframe available (except Caliban)
- Included all Arcane and Mod needed for all content in game
- Have all companion and pet
- Have Heirloom set, 15 tennogen
- Nearly all primed mod at max rank, only lack 2 or 3 faction mod and some unnecessary mod not max yet
- 72 riven, have most of riven for meta weapon now: latron, torid, glaive, felarx, laetum, burston etc
- Prime Acccess: Avia prime armor set, edo prime armor set, Baurahn Prime Ephemera, Misa Prime Syandana , 3 regal aya not used yet
- Have lot of platinum skin
- 3800 platinum not used
Price: 500$ can negotiated
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