SRO Launcher auto close

12/16/2023 16:59 santaa#1

after a long time i want to start playing SRO again but no matter what Server i try to join i start the Silkroad.exe and the Launcher opens but closes after 1-2 sec. I tested with Defender on and of - DEP on and added the silkroad.exe etc..

Im using Win 11 Pro 12th Gen i9-12900K / 32 GB DDR5 / GeForce 3090.

i dont know what to do or what the Problem could be. I hope someone of u Guys know.

12/19/2023 13:11 santaa#2
I just tested ne Original Joymax Silkroad and it works. Idk why none of the Privat Silkroad Server work. No matter wich one i try, Sro Launcher opens and closes again..
12/22/2023 20:41 santaa#3
No one any ideas ?
12/23/2023 21:35 Evil_Alpha#4
has to do with your anti virus probably deleting the client, either try to go and restore deleted files from your anti virus or disable firewall or delete antivirus and try it, works fine for me and just yesterday were 2 grand openings of 2 sro servers: Dreamworld and Paradise
01/23/2024 19:08 santaa#5
Originally Posted by Evil_Alpha View Post
has to do with your anti virus probably deleting the client, either try to go and restore deleted files from your anti virus or disable firewall or delete antivirus and try it, works fine for me and just yesterday were 2 grand openings of 2 sro servers: Dreamworld and Paradise
Windows Defender is disabled.
02/20/2024 01:28 pain22008#6
Try to disable the firewall also, if is not disabled.
02/21/2024 15:59 Bellingame#7
Disable firewall mate
02/26/2024 02:26 palescrolla#8
My PC>properties> advanced system settings> advanced>performance-settings>Data execution prevention> turn on DEP for all programs and add sro_client and launcher after u can open client
05/15/2024 17:54 Ramis140#9
Originally Posted by palescrolla View Post
My PC>properties> advanced system settings> advanced>performance-settings>Data execution prevention> turn on DEP for all programs and add sro_client and launcher after u can open client

This is what I use for years now.
Sro is made for older systems, w10/11 doesn't like it very much.
05/15/2024 19:37 _SGA_#10
Originally Posted by santaa View Post
No one any ideas ?
Private servers are doing stupid modification like injecting of additional dll files for hwid limits etc. This causes your PC to think it's a virus and actually no one can guarantee it's not a virus. Installing an antivirus can help, because it will deactivate the default antivirus of the Windows.
05/17/2024 20:23 Massaka-66#11
I have the Same Problem antivirus and Firewall is disable
06/03/2024 08:12 santaa#12
Originally Posted by Massaka-66 View Post
I have the Same Problem antivirus and Firewall is disable
yeap still the same damn problem. opening and instant closing
11/02/2024 14:45 darek01#13
same problem :( any solutions?