Any interest in a R6S DMA radar?

09/16/2023 04:14 Synthego#1

I've recently been working on a radar for siege which utilises DMA hardware. The radar is compatible with any custom build of the game as I have developed a solution for decrypting the builds automatically on the fly without any sort of shellcode, etc, it's fully external; no memory writes at all.

Below you can find a preview of the early version of the radar on the Consulate map, the maps are still a work in progress and will be a lot more in-depth in the future. It will also have way more features for example, showing locations of any gadgets, health, prone status, line of sight of players and much more.

The radar will also be fully shareable with any friends which are in the game, they will be able to select their own player in the radar and it will track them.

However, I'm wondering how much interest there is for this sort of software and how much you would expect to pay monthly for something like this? In the future it's possible I will implement fuser + kmbox support for ESP and Aimbot but currently I do not have the hardware.

If you are interested join the discord and I will let you know of any updates on when this may release.

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09/19/2023 08:58 DarkOPM#2
09/22/2023 16:52 z35588#3
up up up
09/24/2023 18:10 solutionbeast#4

I wanted to ask you something but the Discord invite has expired. Does the radar also show the locations of enemies?
09/24/2023 18:38 Synthego#5
Originally Posted by killer123123123123 View Post

I wanted to ask you something but the Discord invite has expired. Does the radar also show the locations of enemies?
Sorry, just changed the invite to a permanent one. Yes, the radar does show the location of enemies and we will also be offering an ESP for either a fuser or moonlight/parsec.

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09/28/2023 22:37 solutionbeast#6
Originally Posted by Synthego View Post
Sorry, just changed the invite to a permanent one. Yes, the radar does show the location of enemies and we will also be offering an ESP for either a fuser or moonlight/parsec.
Thank you for updating the invite. That looks awesome, can you maybe share some videos of the ESP one? Also, when will you release it?
10/01/2023 20:24 fazeman1pvp#7
link expired
10/02/2023 08:50 Synthego#8
Originally Posted by fazeman1pvp View Post
link expired
Should be fine now, not sure why the other link expired but this one should be permanent hopefully…
10/05/2023 05:30 cxrsed#9
how can i contact you? will u offer esp with fuser?