How does now rmt works?

07/24/2023 01:59 eternitykle#1
Hello I had a huge break on EFT, how does RMT works now? I heard they added a bunch of anti rmt things, like fee in market is so high you cannot trade rubles through it, or items you drop to friends dissapear (lol). So how does rmt market now works?
07/24/2023 16:59 GamerTools#2
pretty pointless, and wipe is next month, but bans happen for dropping items for friends quite often... best bet is to simply cheat on accounts, level them high, get them kitted, then sell them...
07/24/2023 21:03 Egal#3
Originally Posted by eternitykle View Post
I never used cheats, so I wonder if cheaters even get back price of cheats from rmt now if rmt is so hard now xd Should be less cheaters in tarkov now since rmt is dead?
No, RMTers just went over to only offering carries or selling leveled accounts
Early wipe you can earn a lot of money by just selling level 30-40 accounts, there are also gonna be alot of people buying carries for quests or rubles

An the good thing is, theres gonna be another wipe in december iirc so the cycles starts anew

Also remember that most cheaters have never even done rmt
07/31/2023 20:10 Ducks Services#4
Originally Posted by eternitykle View Post
Hello I had a huge break on EFT, how does RMT works now? I heard they added a bunch of anti rmt things, like fee in market is so high you cannot trade rubles through it, or items you drop to friends dissapear (lol). So how does rmt market now works?
RMT is going downhill, I recommend just purchasing a carry service. (cheater goes into a raid with you). Or you can purchase a leveled / stacked account.
07/31/2023 20:10 DeprimereShop#5
Stick with carries. RMT often leads to bans and wasted time.