Originally Posted by rag222
Yes please but don’t hack or keylog me aha
nah.. :)
official link to microsoft handle:
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Download it and put it in a folder like "C:\program files\handle" or so...
Make sure to check out the settings for handle.exe to "always run as admin".
Now create a new textfile and open up with notepad.
put into the following code and save as a batch file like "d2r-killprocess.bat" or so.
@echo off
set HANDLE_DIRECTORY="C:\Program Files\Handle"
%HANDLE_DIRECTORY%\handle -p D2R.exe -a "BaseNamedObjects\DiabloII Check For Other Instances"
FOR /f "tokens=2,3 delims=:" %%A in ('handle -p D2R.exe -a "DiabloII Check For Other Instances"') do (
set pid=%%A
set hex=%%B
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FOR /f "tokens=1" %%X in ("%pid%") do (
set pid=%%X
echo PID:%pid%
FOR /f "tokens=2" %%X in ("%hex%") do (
set hex=%%X
echo HEX:%hex%
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%HANDLE_DIRECTORY%\handle -p %pid% -c %hex% -y
Make sure the path of the handle directory is correct - edit if you need to..
Create a shortcut on the desktop or so of the batch file and make sure the settings are set to "always run as admin".
Start D2R, login to bnet (char-select screen, lobby or ingame...)
now run the batch and the background process "DiabloII Check For Other Instances" is killed :D
now you can fire up the 2nd/next D2R, enjoy !
May the MF be with you...
If you need more stuff to reduce hardware usage there are some mods like blockhd or tiny which are blocking the hd graphics.