Hey, just curious, when I google it, it seems like its €4000 gross (€2900 net) is that accurate?
As with everything there are people that earn less and others more. With minimum wage you get 9,60 € per hour (2021). Thats around 1210 € net per month. For 2022 they wanted to increase it to 12,00 € per hour which would benefit 6 million workers in germany. There are 45 million employed people in germany so that tells a lot how many people are working for dumping prices. Even 12,00 € per hour isnt really a lot. That would be 1450 € net per month. Keep in mind that housing and energy is expensive in germany, not everything is paid by the health care (unlike many people think) and that the pension you pay for is useless once you get it.Quote:
Lol, what is a better estimate you think?
Or as the G*rmans say: "Ein Land, in dem wir gut und gerne leben"Quote:
For 2022 they wanted to increase it to 12,00 € per hour which would benefit 6 million workers in germany. There are 45 million employed people in germany so that tells a lot how many people are working for dumping prices.
Full time median for 2021 is 3203€. Highest tax bracket/tax rate net ~2100-2200€ (depending on age)Quote:
the vast majority has around 1500€ net
Letztens bei Reddit ne Diskussion gehabt. Der Typ war auch so nen Freak und hat irgendwelche Wörter mit Sternchen versehen. Scheint eine weitere Eigenschaft einer Internet Special Snowflake zu sein. Denn Sinn hat das nicht und es muss keine Werbefreundlichkeit bewahrt werden. Du Mischling aus Special Snowflake and Rambo ist sowas von 2012. Deine provozierende Art gegenüber irgendwelchen Gruppen oder Leuten kann man sich einfach sparen. Entweder vernünftig antworten oder an deinen Komplexen arbeiten.Quote:
Or as the G*rmans say: "Ein Land, in dem wir gut und gerne leben"