Which Bot do you use?

05/05/2022 10:05 Tanker_Tank#1
I am looking for a new Bot for Diablo 2 Ressurect.

I want to run it like 5-8 hours a day.

I heard of Botty, the Free Version Bot. but i am not sure if this Bot is safe.
Is there any good other Bot around. i Am willing to pay for the Bot to..

Just want to run one Bot, not more.

Thanks for the Help. Can Give FG for Helping Hands.
05/06/2022 22:40 moonwish#2
05/07/2022 23:33 a33rox#3
Same interest here.
you already tried anything tanker_tank?
05/08/2022 01:50 pd2mh#4
if anyone know good bot PM me ;)
05/08/2022 03:53 Chavalone#5
Would really appreciate if you drop me a pm too :kappa:
05/08/2022 05:38 youth22#6
pls pm me, too.
05/08/2022 09:44 [Logitech]#7
Originally Posted by youth22 View Post
pls pm me, too.
same :handsdown:
05/08/2022 10:43 CyCu90#8
i like pp 1 post :)
05/08/2022 12:17 fnat1c#9
would also like some info on this if u dont mind, ty in advance <3
05/08/2022 19:38 morpheus85#10
Hey, iam very interested for a safe bot!

05/09/2022 00:41 HacK.#11
Also here
05/09/2022 04:21 TrulyAwake#12
also interested pm if you find anything
05/09/2022 06:12 Evilelf3339#13
Pls lmk if there's a good suggestion. Thanks!
05/09/2022 10:02 KOKETON#14
Hey, iam need a safe bot!
05/09/2022 12:20 jokerpvp#15
Pm me plz need a bot :D