Donny's Nightfall Ordeal Carries

06/03/2021 18:57 dandaman45#1
Hello there and welcome to Donny's Nightfall Ordeal Carries.

I want to help ease the grind of the nightfall strikes, especially the master and grandmaster strikes, for those that don't have the time to do it themselves or a team. Plus I love doing strikes! Check the #nightfall-information to see what the weekly strike and loot drop is.

This is strictly a RECOVERY SERVICE, if you are not comfortable with doing that, then don't bother asking for a carry! I have a very good team/can often solo strikes with the proper gear if you have it. This is 100% safe and I will never ever compromise your account and gear on it. But if you're still hesitant, I will do a money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results by the end of the recovery. You can also check out the reviews section to see what others have said about their experience!


I will only be doing Legend or Master Difficulty (GMs once they get released). The amount of time per recov will depend on when I am available to get around to you and what the nightfall/difficulty. All loot gained from runs will be left untouched for you to look through once service is completed.

You may be thinking about the prices and how to start a recov. I will be accepting paypal with more payment methods coming in the future. You will need to message me with the following to initiate the service and we will go from there:

Hi, I'm interested the nightfall carry service, I would like insert the amount of runs you would like.

Price breakdown:

Nightfall Legend difficulty: $10 per run, $25 for a bundle of 3 runs, $45 for a bundle of five runs

Nightfall Master difficulty: $15 per run, $35 for a bundle of 3 runs, $60 for a bundle of five runs (best deal)

Nightfall Grandmaster difficulty (starting June 22): Price TBA

If you want me to farm these strikes for hours on end, DM me.

Hope you enjoy the service and if you have any questions, feel free to DM me

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