looking for legit hack with nade tools and light aim assist or trigger

05/21/2021 16:04 darrknez#1

Idk if i am right here but i am looking for a premium tool with possible legit settings for MM with nade fixpoints, light aim assist and LUA changer.. price doesn't matter. It shouldn't be that public so i can play with my skins with my smurf account..

05/24/2021 12:55 dreamlockk#2
yo write me in discord dreamlockk#6012, i have what u need
05/25/2021 00:37 nomorals#3
Originally Posted by darrknez View Post

Idk if i am right here but i am looking for a premium tool with possible legit settings for MM with nade fixpoints, light aim assist and LUA changer.. price doesn't matter. It shouldn't be that public so i can play with my skins with my smurf account..

legit gameplay just go for legitex or project deadeye, fantasycat also offers very legit features.
08/24/2021 09:27 debug_#4
zapped, if you prefer something stream-proof.
exitium, if you prefer high performances but internal.
08/25/2021 20:46 Freeze#5
08/27/2021 07:34 Vitokonuk#6
You should check these sir :)

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