AcLeague - Esportal, Faceit, Trusted Mode Cheat.

11/24/2020 22:46 ancheliszaidzia#1
Acidia-Cheat is a simple league cheat for bypassing Faceit, Esportal, Trusted mode. I can insure you that the cheat will stay undetected, and safe to use. The cheat is slot-based, and allows up to ten people.

Aim Assist - Fully Humanized, With mouse-events. [Safe to use on Faceit]
RCS - Recoil Control System, With mouse-events. [Safe to use on Faceit]
ESP - An external box, that shows enemies close up. [Safe to use on Faceit]
Stream Proof - Hide your visuals in OBS with game capture. [Safe to use on Faceit]


Payment methods
PayPal - [ ID Verification / Friends and family ]
BitCoin - [ No ID Verification ]
Ethereum - [ No ID Verification ]
International Banks - [ No ID Verification ]

255$ Per Month
Buying a long term subscription will get you an discount.

Contact Information [ Discord ]

Price update 250$
11/30/2020 01:05 vnmlike#2
no actual video?
any proofs?
11/30/2020 12:20 tofikwest#3
This video is old. Need new video , we want to see how you play 1 week+ and dont banneble
11/30/2020 12:32 lacsote#4
Dont buy from this guy! its scamer! i have proof! After pay he not talk and dont send cheats....scamer! i have proof if u want. I go to police like he dont answer!