NA/AR50/Diluc c1/Klee c1/R2 Wolf Gravestone.

11/20/2020 16:19 aviliobruno#1
Amos bow + Lost prayer
35 days primogems daily
R5 stringless, both BP bought.
c6 Barbara
c6 Noelle
c4 Sucrose
c4 Amber
c4 Xingqiu
c3 Fischl
c2 Bennett
c1 Razor

price: $200

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11/21/2020 11:09 Zombie4143#2
Was this hand leveled by you, and have you been collecting the daily gems from the pass each day? I won't have money until next week so would miss out on the gems
11/21/2020 11:25 aviliobruno#3
Originally Posted by Zombie4143 View Post
Was this hand leveled by you, and have you been collecting the daily gems from the pass each day? I won't have money until next week so would miss out on the gems
yes, this is my account, im playing on it until i sell it so primogems collected each day
11/23/2020 00:24 sanjayr#4
how much