Looking for High End Bdo (EU)

03/14/2020 17:40 Anonym19951#1
Hey guys, i'm Looking for an High End Acc on Bdo Eu.

Only buy Middleman and some Screens.

If you are a friendly seller, send me a massage here or on Discord Vanoxx#7475

(Spreche auch deutsch falls jemand deutsch spricht)
03/21/2020 11:51 Emdares#2
hallo, ich habe ein Account ob der aller dings auf high end stand ist das müssten sie entscheiden, wenn sie noch ein Account suchen würde ich ihnen die wichtigsten Bilder zukommen lassen
03/21/2020 14:52 PenOgreRing#3
i got a account i would sell u (289 ap)

hab dich versucht im discord zu adden aber ist die falsche ID?
03/21/2020 19:04 Shimiko#4
Originally Posted by Anonym19951 View Post
Hey guys, i'm Looking for an High End Acc on Bdo Eu.

Only buy Middleman and some Screens.

If you are a friendly seller, send me a massage here or on Discord Vanoxx#7475

(Spreche auch deutsch falls jemand deutsch spricht)
Actually have a Musa account lvl 62 on EU..

PEN Kutum
TRI Blackstar weapon
TET Crescent

All TRI boss gear, and no accs (PRI TUNGRADS)
I broked all in Pen Roulette to finally get the PEN Kutum

A lot of billions on basic materials on all the storages and FULL inventory spaces, T4 faerie, T4 hedge, T4 other pets and t3..

1000€ Spent on the kakao store I have all functional costumes of pearls, a lot of items... books, value packs etc.... 1000 USD spent on this fking casino.

I'm the principal owner of the account, if u give 250€ its all yours.

Oh, Guru on fishing, courser horse purewhite, lifeskilled.. some apparel costumes.. camp,flute, x8-10 maids ... all the bullshit of the Store bought in the past.
10/04/2020 16:21 WubJackson#5
Still looking for a account? tell me your discord :)

Originally Posted by Anonym19951 View Post
Hey guys, i'm Looking for an High End Acc on Bdo Eu.

Only buy Middleman and some Screens.

If you are a friendly seller, send me a massage here or on Discord Vanoxx#7475

(Spreche auch deutsch falls jemand deutsch spricht)

hey are you still looking for a account?
Kiko#1411 my discord. :)