DE3 acc LVL 24 2.3bil Honor Basic Colonel 5k emp 4k ish 5mil x4 36 PromethiusSold
Ge6/7/ita123 Lvl 24 Honor 800mil Chief Major 250emp 1k ish 1mil x4 150€
26 Promethius
Usa 4 Lvl 25 1.9Bil Honor colonel 500 emp 50 ish 2mil x4 16mil x2 x3 1mil 12Promethius #Sold
Payments Paypal and Western Union all payments negociable
Ge6/7/ita123 Lvl 24 Honor 800mil Chief Major 250emp 1k ish 1mil x4 150€
26 Promethius
Usa 4 Lvl 25 1.9Bil Honor colonel 500 emp 50 ish 2mil x4 16mil x2 x3 1mil 12Promethius #Sold
Payments Paypal and Western Union all payments negociable