RU Accounts

11/06/2018 17:41 H0bbi#1
No. 1
Level: 37
Division: Diamond 4 42 LP 69% Winratio
Champions: 25
Skins: 2
Ward skins: 2
Emotes: 4
Blue Essence: 1575
Riot Points: 25
Honor: 2
Many champion shards + skin shards in loot
Account is botted, been active the whole S8, 0 chances of getting banned.
Price: 50 Euro

No. 2
Level: 31
Division: Gold 1 -3 LP 90% Winratio
Champions: 28
Skins: 3
Blue Essence: 2702
Riot Points: 15
Honor: 2
Loot: 1 Key Fragment, 3 Chests, DS Kha'zix
Price: 20 Euro

No. 3
Level: 31
Division: Platinum 5 0 LP 80% Winratio
Champions: 25
Skins: 6
Emotes: 2
Blue Essence: 2393
Riot Points: 185
Honor: 2
Loot: Infernal Akali, 45 Worlds tokens, 4 Chests, Bilgewater ward skin
Price: 23 Euro