here you go this is how you do it go to 2MOONS CVS\data\share\action\monster
for example reiden_ego.act.2731
0,DEAD,0,Monster\reiden\reiden_die.anim,4,1,3.5,0, 0,0.1,1,0,0,186,0
0,DEAD,0,Monster\reiden\reiden_die.anim,0,0,0.0,0, 0,0.0,0,0,0,000,0
3.5 is the dead animation and this work to all the mob when they die they don't go through animation, if you doing mass spawn crespo this should really help the lag, I know it help me =)
here a little tip on reduce lag in mass spawn laiden ego
1. turn all your graphic to low
2. turn off your damage and monster damage V so you don't see mob name ( with 200 mobs name on they can cause super lag)
4. If those 3 tip above don't work than upgrade your PC or go buy new one =) if you don't have money =( go ROB,STEAL,RAPE,KILL OR get a job LOL jking