Animations For Everything

02/04/2010 00:18 Sodomizied#1
Does anyone know how to disable all animations. Like this guy did in this video.

02/04/2010 02:20 abuelito#2
wow i never see that before . i hope u get an answer cuz it seen interesting
02/04/2010 02:26 Syberboy#3
Wow who ever did it, nicely done lolz.
What helps as well is to change how monsters look. Like changing the appearance of a laiden to a lava spider would help decrease the lag.
02/04/2010 02:43 playboyx#4
yes it pretty easy i guess i make a TUT =) since there no tut on that uh anyway gtg eat be back later to post it up cya later
02/04/2010 05:02 bottomy#5
You could also just not render any objects or textures at all (forget which it is). Though you will be invisible too then (with the rest of the mobs), but you just use it when you ready to kill the mobs. So you turn of the rendering, then use right click to cast the skills to kill.
02/04/2010 20:03 zmogus#6
Originally Posted by Syberboy View Post
Wow who ever did it, nicely done lolz.
What helps as well is to change how monsters look. Like changing the appearance of a laiden to a lava spider would help decrease the lag.
I don't know how, but on my pc crc client runs same as in that video.
And it doesn't reduces lag(for me)
02/05/2010 07:17 playboyx#7
here you go this is how you do it go to 2MOONS CVS\data\share\action\monster

for example reiden_ego.act.2731

0,DEAD,0,Monster\reiden\reiden_die.anim,4,1,3.5,0, 0,0.1,1,0,0,186,0
0,DEAD,0,Monster\reiden\reiden_die.anim,0,0,0.0,0, 0,0.0,0,0,0,000,0

3.5 is the dead animation and this work to all the mob when they die they don't go through animation, if you doing mass spawn crespo this should really help the lag, I know it help me =)

here a little tip on reduce lag in mass spawn laiden ego
1. turn all your graphic to low
2. turn off your damage and monster damage V so you don't see mob name ( with 200 mobs name on they can cause super lag)
4. If those 3 tip above don't work than upgrade your PC or go buy new one =) if you don't have money =( go ROB,STEAL,RAPE,KILL OR get a job LOL jking
02/07/2010 12:47 Timespirit#8
lol whast that dont work