[Release] Insanity Flyff Multi Hack

02/08/2018 09:10 netHoxInc#1
Sup peoples, due to my recent learning progress in RE purposes, special thanks to cookie69, which's tutorials been great to get into it. I am here and now releasing my latest Thing I've been working on.

Basicly it has these Features:

1.) Attack a Mob from any Range using Melee Attack (2x dmg on blades)
2.) Auto Attack if you targeted something (aswell 2x on blades)
3.) Speedhack (ingame speed, not game speed)
4.) Bow Range - / Long-Range-Skill - Hacks (use most skills from any distance, and ofc any Ranged Attack like Bowshots)
5.) Client sided Admin - Shows several commands on chat, and the main thing in my eyes: Instant logout anywhere, and see Invisible Players / GM's
6.)Projectile Speedhack - Shot your skills way faster, the dmg arrives in Realtime, the Skill SFX looks normal to others spectating you.
7.) Set your Weapon Speed to: Normal/Fast/Very Fast using Hotkeys (not autodetect yet)
8.) SuperZoom - Increase Viewrange

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You can use any Injector to inject the Hack dll file, personally I am using Winject.

I'm up for suggestions on new Features, if it's possible for me to reverse them I'll implement those.

As usual the Sidenote: Use on your own Risk, im not responsable for bans bla bla bli bla blubb. You know the deal.

Virustotal: 0/60 - clean:
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Happy Hacking, Cheers netHox

Update to v1.1:
- Added Recognize Values to each Hack, so they get reverted back before the DLL gets unloaded by F12.

Update to v1.2:
- Recompiled the Project to be compatible on win8/win10. [feedback would be great]

Update to v1.3:
- Reocmpiled for my new Injection

nInject Release: v1.1:
- A Simple Injection Console - F12 to Load/Unload nHacks.

For RE interested people:

Dont forget to push thanks if you like this/want me to keep it updated.
My Flyff tools will stay free forever with unlimmited use. Until I decide to stop developing them at all. :)
02/09/2018 22:54 pekachu123#2
can you add an injector?
02/10/2018 01:41 netHoxInc#3
Originally Posted by pekachu123 View Post
can you add an injector?
Sure, I'll attach Winject to the first Post.
02/10/2018 03:16 perfectplayer2#4
what does the autoattack part do? when I try it ,it just keeps saying "Please wait a moment before attacking again."
02/10/2018 08:33 netHoxInc#5
You need to change your Weapon Speed per Hotkey:
Weap Speed Normal: Sticks for example
Weap Speed Fast: Knuckles for Example
Weap Speed Very Fast: Swords for Example

Once u choosen ur correct speed, the Attacks will count as valid and do damage.

AutoAttack btw means, it'll attack once you targetted something.
02/10/2018 08:38 _Halloween_#6
Nice job man, working on other servers too?
02/10/2018 08:44 netHoxInc#7
As I'm not into Nulling other Clients atm, Im only up for the try on another Server, if there's no CheatEngine or Winject protection. Or if the AntiHack Routines are srsly weak as hell.

Tell me your wished server and I'll give a look once i find time.
02/11/2018 21:44 babyko1821#8
can you add a guide what will you input in the processes log
02/12/2018 03:55 netHoxInc#9
Originally Posted by babyko1821 View Post
can you add a guide what will you input in the processes log
Not sure what ure trying to ask me sry :c Pls repeat more clearly
02/12/2018 06:02 Nirolow#10
This is my first time ever doing this can you explain to me how to do this?
02/12/2018 09:02 netHoxInc#11
1st: Open Winject
2nd: Enter nHacks.dll, and Neuz.exe
3rd: Inject it
4th: Hit F11 for a Hotkey/Feature List.
5th: Use Hotkeys. (For Attack Sending, dont forget to change the Speed to Normal/Fast/Very Fast depending on your Weapon. Hotkeys are there to change the spd.)
02/12/2018 14:21 yopitopia#12
what process should I choose? I was not able to follow the steps above sorry, new to this stuff


Neuz.exe not showing in the target process, i am using windows 10
02/12/2018 16:54 netHoxInc#13
99% of Servers using Neuz.exe as filename. Ofc it can be something else. Like MiniA.exe or smth, check the Flyff Folder for .exe files, then you should know which to choose in the injector, as only one of them will be running when ure ingame.

02/12/2018 20:26 /Aiden\#14
Originally Posted by yopitopia View Post
what process should I choose? I was not able to follow the steps above sorry, new to this stuff


Neuz.exe not showing in the target process, i am using windows 10

Originally Posted by shadow14493 View Post
99% of Servers using Neuz.exe as filename. Ofc it can be something else. Like MiniA.exe or smth, check the Flyff Folder for .exe files, then you should know which to choose in the injector, as only one of them will be running when ure ingame.


1)Put nHacks.dll and nHacks_Injector.exe in the same folder:
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2)Start nHacks_Injector.exe a message will appear:
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3)Start client -> Autoinjection :handsdown:

it might be more easy that way.

02/13/2018 05:34 netHoxInc#15
Thanks for the Release ;)